The prevalence online of Vtubers and Vtuber adjacent content seem growing without limit. However, Vtuber characters by design are aimed to cater to the male perspective. There are obviously male Vtubers and women can certainly appreciate female ones. But I would be interested to know a general opinion and maybe what you do and do not like about it.

  1. The only Vtuber that I follow uses a clove of garlic as his avatar. I’m not sure how that is designed to cater to the male perspective…

  2. I personally don’t love Vtubers; I kind of have trouble watching them and personally I avoid videos that use them. However, I have mixed feelings about their existence. My fiancee, who’s a lot more invested in youtube and content creation culture, has made the argument that they let people make content – and money, and influence – who the algorithm and the public might usually shut out, i.e. fat people, trans people, disabled people, etc. That doesn’t feel like a bad thing, although it’s not an unmixed good thing either? But it’s a symptom of a deeper problem.

  3. Hard to have an informed opinion because I don’t really watch them. I’ve only seen one because they sometimes guest on another non-vtuber channel and based on that I’m not a fan or interested in watching others. I just found the one I watched too cringe inducing, like a wacky cartoon character invading RL and they seemed out of sync with the RL people in the video.

  4. I haven’t the slightest idea what that is, so I’m guessing it’s fairly irrelevant to my life.

  5. I’ve yet to see content from one that wasn’t obnoxious and whose voice didn’t make me murderous

  6. I think they’re pretty neat, and it’s been fueling an increased interest in 3d modelling and animation. Like any media thing, you get a lot of catering to toxic male gaze but then a lot of smaller better representation as time goes on. And eventually a lot of the better representation ends up becoming a larger portion of the content.

  7. Personally I’m very indifferent. I have a guy friend who is into a few of them, and he gives an interesting perspective. I guess the group he watches has some high standards, and the gals have to be able to speak two languages (usually English and Japanese), and have a talent (usually singing or drawing). In return the group, that’s some company, will do their utmost to make sure these women have privacy and keep the more deranged fans at bay.

    Honestly, even if these women were talentless (and they are far from talentless I’ve actually looked at one of the drawing streams), I still don’t think I’d care much. Vtubers aren’t inherently a problem, it’s when ANY YouTuber/influencer cultivates an unhealthy parasocial relationships that I’d consider it bad. Again, any YouTuber can do that, not just Vtubers.

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