What was the trigger point for you to go to therapy?

  1. I drunk texted an ex-girlfriend one too many times in the aftermath of our breakup and she lost her patience and told me to get my shit together. So I said fuck it and went right ahead.

  2. I had a really strong anxiety reaction when a love interest pulled back after we had a lovely time at dinner a few days prior. I realized that if I want to have a healthy relationship and a family, I need to get my attachment issues sorted out.

    I’m still going, over 8 months later, and I look forward to continuing it as I enter my “healing era”


  3. I sorta had a mental breakdown the first winter that I was alone in my house after my partner died. We got hit with a major blizzard and I was recovering from a shoulder injury; the guy I hired to plow flaked on me so I was out there trying to shovel with 1-arm and no help and when I came inside after giving up, I started full-on bawling because I was freezing cold, tired as fuck, and I didn’t even have someone inside making me a cup of hot chocolate or a pot of soup like my SO would have done.

    After I collected myself and dried off, it hit me that I couldn’t remember the last time I fell asleep without drugs or alcohol or staying up so late that I passed out and maybe it’d be good to talk to someone about all of this.

  4. My dad died in a car accident. I thought I was doing fine, but a month later I had a panic attack while drunk and screamed at my roommates and girlfriend, threw stuff around my room, punched a hole in my door. I realized I wasn’t doing as okay as I thought I was and looked for a therapist the next day

  5. Since my Mom passed away, I’ve been the intermediary between my father and sister. They have a terrible, relatively hostile relationship, but my sister often needs his help and is afraid to talk to him.

    When my Mom was alive, she was the intermediary. Now I am.

    It was fine until I was about to have my daughter. My wife came to me and said she was concerned that their infighting might pull me away from being the dad I want to be and that therapy might help me cope or find the right language to talk to my family about.

    Therapy was absolutely helpful in helping me create those boundaries and has since helped me sort a lot of my other shit out. All to the benefit of my wife and daughter!

  6. My advice is to those wanting to go to therapy. Be 100% with your therapist. Don’t hold anything back, it takes time to build that trust with them and maybe you’ll have to find your match. But when you’re there, be open and honest.

  7. When my dad died, mom lost it, and I found out dad left no will behind and his estate was a complete mess.

  8. I simply decided that I *probably* should.

    It was a weird decision too, because the main problem I wanted to address was my general lack of emotionality and concern… but because of my lack of concern, I never saw it as something worth going to therapy to address and I was never concerned enough to do so.

  9. I was mandated it under a company stress policy due to the amount of overtime I’d pulled. I did not need therapy, I was not stressed. The two therapists I was presented with were idiots. One of the biggest wastes of time I’ve been through.

  10. Realised I couldn’t regulate my emotions whenever me and my partner had a falling out. I relied too much on her for my happiness as I had none of my own. This coupled with a stressful year at uni along with messy living arrangements (which I tried to combat but messy roommates) added to a lot of stress to me just being unhappy with where I was in life. Had a little breakdown but went to therapy the following semester and it helped immensely.

  11. I couldn’t do anything or go anywhere without the ideation of killing myself popping up. I also had no one to talk to about any of these thoughts or feelings

  12. My mom died and I have no one else who listens and actually cares. Been struggling 4 a long time with a lot of shit. Its up to me to fix me.

    This is the first time that it was MY choice to go to therapy.

  13. The fact that it was early 2022 and the Covid mandates and restrictions weren’t ending saw me in an extremely depressed state and starting to spiral downward.

  14. My dad was murdered.

    I didn’t feel like I needed therapy, but I knew I should check. Went for about 8 months after, and it was a positive experience, but the results I saw were not worth $125 per 45 minutes by a long shot.

  15. I stopped going to therapy because if I spent one more second I was gonna ” convince ” my therapist to disappear permanently

  16. Crashed my car! Did not go into therapy for it but it certainly was the straw that broke the camels back.

  17. I couldn’t stop doing something bad for me and I knew I had to get help, because I couldn’t do it on my own.

    It worked.

  18. When I didn’t shower for a week because I didn’t have the energy to do it and everything generally felt like a chore and a half, despite all physical tests being be fine.

  19. I realized that I’ve been on autopilot for a long time. I’m not happy. However, by all accounts I have a good life.

    I realized I needed to unpack a lot and try and figure out why I push people away and not connect with those around me on a personal level.

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