I am watching old Top of the Pops from the nineties on iPlayer, and all the yoof in the audience are doing full on, mouth-open chewing, and it reminds me thay back in the nineties, older people like my parents were outraged by young people going around chewing gum all the time.

And to be fair, I do remember that at school and in public, everyone young seemed to be chewing gum all the time. And celebrities too. The Gallagher were chewers, Britney Spears I seem to remember, etc.

When did we all stop getting through a pack of Wrigley a day?

And before anyone suggests it, not EVERYONE was chewing their face off due to recreational drug use, although I grant it might be a factor.

  1. Smints killed off chewing.

    Why chew gum to freshen your breath and then have this gross grey flavoured blob you need to dispose of when you can have a tiny Superman logo shaped mint dispensed from a cool blue box.

  2. The internet replaced it with a different compulsive, repetitive motion.

    See r/NoFap for details.

  3. Becasue children are imitators, so what is trendy changes from year to year depending on what influences they are fed.

  4. It’s the future now. We all wear tin foil suits, drive hover cars and all our food comes in pill or liquid form. No need to chew

  5. Don’t know how many of you read Popbitch but this item came from their newsletter:

    on_air writes:
    “One of my favourite entourage anecdotes came from shooting with Gwen Stefani for TV. She came into the studio with three people (which is not so outrageous). We briefed her on what to say etc, and she nodded, all the while chewing gum. We lined up to shoot and, as we asked her if she was ready, she opened her mouth wide. One of the poor girls with her leant in and daintily removed the gum from her mouth.

    > “She was clearly trained to do so as not a word was spoken. When we called ‘cut’ said girl re-emerged, Gwen’s mouth opened and the gum was summarily replaced. Gwen just then went on chewing until the next take.

    > “This was repeated all day.”

  6. > full on, mouth-open chewing

    Bro I remember being a kid and certain things were considered cool like chewing chewing gum, wet hair (looks gelled not sweaty) taking your t shirt off, wearing sunglasses (still can’t wear them without feeling like I’m a prick)

    One thing I do enjoy though is when I smell a bleng of spearmint chewing gum and perfume. Takes me back to being a teenager and hanging about in a crowd.

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