How do you do it?

I’ve found myself downloading the apps after an almost two year post-divorce period to see what’s out there. I am scrolling through the likes, and I’ll be honest, I don’t really know what to do. Life was different the first go round–You’re in undergrad. No one has a mortgage (with an amazing interest rate), kids, a coparent to work with. Now I’m swiping left on great guys because they also have these things, and the reality is neither of us will probably be able to adjust that right now. Do I swipe right on these and go through the motions of getting to know someone knowing that if it were to somehow work out, that might be the reason it ends?

I’m finding myself unable to get enthusiastic about the prospect of dating knowing I live in a rural town of 2500 and am stuck here for at least another 12-15 years realistically. And getting likes from men who live 60, 90, 100 miles away. But please, don’t recommend I narrow the radius. Have you been to the Midwest? Is anyone else here? Middle of nowhere, adulting with 20 responsibilities hoping to meet someone like-minded and somehow able to coexist without uprooting the life you spent the last 15 years building?

  1. I have the same issue as european man. Im single dad of 2 teen boys, have multiple companys here, estate, circles of friends and do alot community work.

    My ex-wife with whose i built all that, is a total mess and screws around, drunk raging, etc.

    Im quite good looking and fit/muscular, so i get alot matches and dates on the apps,but it always feels pointless, 50 to 100km away. Alot of the woman i dated have problems, or just wave those red flags around like there is no tomorrow.

    I cant offer you a solution, i can only try to give, you the feeling that you are not alone.

  2. You’re telling me, try that as a man. You don’t even get likes. Deleted everything after a month.. stuck where your at because you can’t move away from your kids and basically everyone of dating age you grew up with. Ya not fun. I just figure I’ll be single for the next 13 years

  3. What part of the midwest haha. It definatly sucks, very rural where I am to. Going on over a year and pretty much lost all hope

  4. Thank God somebody has said this. I thought it was only me. I moved to the Midwest after a terrible divorce and got custody of my kids. No friends or community. It has been the hardest transition for me. I’ve wanted to date but I’ve got the same problem. Matches like hours away. I literally have to uproot my life and find a job in another city, sell my house, and move away. It’s so lonely!

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