What is the highlight of a regular day for you?

  1. I live alone (without humans) and the highlight of my average day is interacting with my pets.

  2. When I go pick up my daughter from school and see her face light up when she sees me and then she runs to me for a hug.

  3. Talking to my partner. He’s my best friend and I love chatting with him at the end of the day.

  4. Getting into bed with my husband and him kissing my forehead as I lay on his chest.

  5. The 20-30 minutes of time between my alarm and the rest of the house waking up. It’s early, but I function better if I can get time to ground myself before taking on responsibilities.

  6. Extra cash.

    I can imagine this seems unpopular to some… but with living expenses in the place that they are right now, I can’t even tell you how much relief I feel when I get a bonus, or sell something for a great price, or get a job request on my side hustle. I fist pump the air and think “now I can get xyz paid for without worrying about dipping into savings”. I enjoy that feeling.

  7. That time in the evening when dinner is done and cleaned up, the house is picked up, and I literally have nothing left to do for the day than chill out on the couch with my family and watch TV, or scroll TikTok, or read a book or whatever until bed.

  8. Going to bed. Not necessarily sleeping but laying in bed and reading but also the going to sleep part haha I’m tired.

  9. Pretty much any interaction with my girlfriend where we are laughing, cuddling, or just spending time and having fun together

  10. When my daughter goes down for nap without screaming. When my husband comes home.

  11. When I get home from work, my cat comes up to me, then walks away, then waits for me to put my stuff down and then when I walk to the bathroom he’ll follow me and we go to the bathroom together. It’s so…strangely comforting to me. I don’t know, I’ve really grown to value that.

  12. How excited my dog gets when I come home. She’s a derpy 100 lb Rottweiler and the sweetest thing in the world. No brain cells in sight but so much love.

  13. My cat has a bedtime ritual. When she sees my husband and I head to bed, she RUNS into the room. When we get in bed, she jumps on there with us and kneads a blanket while purring. Then she makes her rounds getting pets and drooling everywhere. Sometimes she will flop on me and purr for a bit. But she only does this ritual when we both go to bed. If he’s traveling for work it’s no dice. She’s usually very aloof so the only affection she shows us is at bedtime.

  14. After work, taking my bra off and putting on comfy clothes and then I take the biggest hit of weed all is right with the world.

  15. Going to the gym at lunch! I feel so so much better after working out and going back to work. Feels like a brand new day!

  16. “Tickles in bed” from my boyfriend. That’s what we call it. He caresses me really softly on my skin and it’s my favorite thing in the world. More than food, sex or anything else I can think of.

    He will do it for hooouuurs while we’re just in bed. He usually watches a movie and I’m passed out next to him. It feels sooooo lovely. Like.. It’s not sexual (only sometimes when he does it on the booty too much) but just so sweet and affectionate of him. He’s the best.

  17. Seeing my fiance after a long day of work 🙂 love seeing him and having after work cuddles.

  18. Waking up to the coffee that my husband brings me in bed, fast forward to getting home from work and putting my soft clothes on.

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