he has a teenage daughter so i am kind of leery of him especially after i asked him about it and he wouldn’t say anything… literally wouldn’t say a word..

we had a huge fight because he kind of got the sense that i didn’t trust him..

how do i deal with this situation?

  1. Leave him to it, if he doesn’t want to talk to you, can’t engage in basic communication then wants to block you? Fine, he’s signified he’s not interested in talking to you and that sounds like a lucky escape on the information provided.

    Only thing is, if he decides he wants to talk to you at x time in the future then you need to decide if you want that and that should be largely contingent on the way he communicates how he acted. But if he doesn’t wanna talk/ never unblocks you? Leave him to it and live your life

  2. Run don’t walk away from this guy..

    If this is how he deals with conflict you don’t want him in your life..

    He did you a favor by blocking you so just ignore him from here on out and ignore him when he comes back looking for a second chance when he sees you’re not taking the bait and chasing him..

  3. He has a daughter that has got nothing yo do with you. You asked. He wouldn’t talk about it. You’re only in the talking stage. Imagine it was your daughter, and he was pushing and asking questions about her. I think your radar would be beeping off the scale.

    Maybe you should have given it time. You live and learn.

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