Since I was little I was introduced to gaming, I based my personality on it, I was playing games maybe since I was 4 years old with my father. And I love it and always loved it, the problem is that no one around me enjoys it as much as I do. And in elementary school maybe first 7 years I thought that hardcore gaming and being the silent one with no friends was cool and I was special better than everyone else. I never went outside just for fun because I thought that my pc at home was better and I was happy with it and that It was all I needed. Man was I wrong. Around that awkward age when everyone hit puberty I was still like that. But I started to realize that I am not that one cool kid, I was the one weird silent kid that everyone hates to hangout with. I had \[and have\] problem talking to people besides my close family. I remember this particular moment when I was on a school skiing trip but I was with different school than mine. I was in a group with these kids that were very loud but most importantly I was with these 2 girls that I went to kindergarten with. They were really nice and wanted to talk to me because we haven’t spoken for a long time and I just couldn’t, I don’t know why it was hard for me to talk to them. I ended up being that one weird silent kid in front of other school because my mind is just fucked up from the lack of social contact. I again sat in my room not talking to anyone when everyone was inviting me and I was like nooooooo, its just not for me, and again as I wanted, everybody stopped talking to me. I ended up calling my father begging him to pick me up. And he did. And now that I am thinking about it I ended being the weird kid that talks to nobody, sits on his phone all day, and his dad had to pick him up. I am just like that, I don’t want to be like that. If anyone has any experience with something like this please tell me what you think.

  1. It’s going to be hard, but you can break out of that she’ll. Consume different things, explore different interests, and invest into socializing more. Read Dale Carnegie’s book, how to win friends and influence people. Practice these things and slowly you’ll get better.

  2. Seriously get off the internet for a WHILE and start working out every day . Become obsessed with personal health and fitness . Read books, become sharper. Avoid excess dopamine release. (Very fucking important, read into it.) Replace unhealthy habits with good ones. Thinking about playing a game? Go for a walk. Literally just thinking about playing the game releases more dopamine than playing the game. Change your mindset ,, yell at urself mentally 24/7 correcting every bad thought / habit til your trained out of it. Your brain is a muscle.

    I wish you luck.

  3. I’m Ngl, I didn’t read any of this, but I can tell you being on Reddit isn’t helping your lose those “weird kid” label

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