What’s your opinion on this? If a friend wore a see-through top with nipples visible, super short skirts…etc. out on a group outing while everyone’s partners are there.

Would you not care because it’s just an expression of their style or would it bother you knowing they are flashing it around your partner knowing they would possibly stare?

I think it’s such a grey area but I’m curious what everyone’s take on this is!

  1. I’d be extremely uncomfortable. Mainly because I know my s/o would stare..

  2. I wouldn’t care. She can wear whatever she wants to wear. How the others perceive it, is their own issue.

  3. Depends on the context.

    At most events, I’d feel secondhand embarrassment for her as that would be wildly inappropriate attire for majority of events my friend groups attend. Beyond that, it’s her choice and that’s her business. If she’s uncomfortable and wants to adjust her clothing choices, I’d offer her whatever I had to help her meet the attire expectations for the event.

    If we are at an event or location where that kind of outfit would be considered acceptable, then I’d tell her she looked great and move on with my life.

    >Would you not care because it’s just an expression of their style

    As long as it is situationally appropriate, then I wouldn’t care

    >would it bother you knowing they are flashing it around your partner knowing they would possibly stare?

    That’s not a problem with their clothes or their body. That’s a problem with the partner. If I had a partner who behaved poorly just because someone was wearing revealing clothes, I’d be very disappointed in my partner and it would affect how I see the partner.

  4. If that’s her usual attire… So be it. If she went out of her way to get everyone to stare at her, I would be concerned.

  5. It’d be weird, since the friends I have dress the exact opposite. If its from afar it’s whatever. In person it’d be odd to me since it’s not the usual at all.

  6. I would have a problem if my partner started sexualizing my friend, the friend can choose to do whatever she wants with her body and ill 100% support her.

  7. I wouldn’t feel anything.

    She wants to show off more of her natural body, all power to her.


    >….would it bother you knowing they are flashing it around your partner knowing they would possibly stare?

    No, because I don’t have trust issues.

  8. I know people that that would upset a great deal. My cousin. She doesn’t even want him being exposed to a beautiful woman. Me on the other hand, I don’t think I could possibly care any less. I mean, its a body. We all have seen them.

  9. >knowing they are flashing it around your partner knowing they would possibly stare

    I’m not one of those idiots who thinks that my partner is not allowed to find anyone besides me attractive. We all sometimes look at other people, that’s fucking normal, not a thing to get jealous about.

    And I only get together with people who respect their and my friend and don’t stare at them in an inappropriate way. Or who sexualize people based on what they’re wearing.

    My partner might find a friend in a revealing outfit attractive or not. That’s not a problem either way. My partner also would not be fucking disgusting about it, so that ain’t a problem either.

    So, really, what do you think would be the problem?

  10. Revealing clothing is a fashion choice I don’t judge. How people choose to behave when confronted with someone who is wearing revealing clothing, that’s when I judge people!

  11. I would feel very uncomfortable because I don’t hangout in places where this kind of outfit would be considered appropriate.

    I wouldn’t care if they were flashing my partner, I would consider it to be very disrespectful and probably step back from that friendship, but I wouldn’t feel concerned; my partner is extremely loyal and I have no worries with that.

  12. Are you more concerned with what she’s wearing, or that your partner is staring at her?

    If you get onto her for what she’s wearing and not get onto your partner for staring your displacing your frustrations in the wrong place

  13. Couldn’t care less. Honestly even if it was inappropriate for the venue, they’re my friend, I’m not going to judge. I wouldn’t care or be worried at all about my partner looking. I mean I’m bi, should he be worried about me?

    The only thing I’d look out for is whether my friend felt uncomfortable. But if she’s rocking it and feeling good, then great for her I’m happy!

  14. If my man is staring then that’s a problem I will have with him not with her.

  15. Oh boy, wait until you find out about pornography. I don’t care what my friends wear and they don’t care what I wear. If my partner stares at another woman that’s 100% on him not on her in the slightest.

  16. Uhhh context.

    An outing at a bar? Meh.

    A rave? Nah.

    A child’s birthday party? Go put on some clothes, please.

    Funeral? Wtf are you doing?

    Wedding? Again, wtf are you doing?

    The beach? Nice.

    Church? Oh hell nah, please go home.

  17. I would be a bit uncomfortable with it but not enough to say anything. Personally I’m just not comfortable with anyone wearing very revealing clothing around me, it just makes me uncomfortable; but that’s a me issue and it’s not on the other person to cater to what I like, after all it’s their body. On the other hand if our friend group had a female friend that often wore very revealing clothing (im talking VERY revealing like a see through shirt so thin I can see the color of their nipples) around us and our partners I would mentally note it as distasteful and move on. She can wear what she wants, and if you’re worried about your partner having a wandering eye then that’s on you and your partner to talk about.

  18. I have 0 care. My man should be able to be in front of 100 naked girls and not flinch. If she flirted with my partner I’d be peeved. She can dress however she likes we might even talk about her cute outfits.

  19. I wouldn’t care at all. I don’t have any self-esteem, jealousy or trust issues nor do I expect to police my friends outfits and I don’t date men who need to desperately ogle any female body that comes in their sight line, so this is not a concern.

  20. I don’t police other people clothes. Even if the outfit *was* inappropriate for the setting, I would never say anything as how someone else chooses to dress really isn’t my business. If my partner looks, then he looks. He has eyeballs. I don’t feel threatened by him seeing other humans, no matter their state of dress. I just don’t care.

  21. I like when people dress sexy, I genuinely feel more attractive just being around them. It wouldn’t bother me at all, as long as it was appropriate for the occasion. (Please don’t have your nipples out at the dinner we’re using $75 a plate for). But please, flash everybody at trivia at the dive bar. I’ll love you for it.

  22. That’s inappropriate to me regardless of whether or not my partner is here. I’m not into dressing like that and if you are, feel free to do that when you’re alone or spending time with people who have a like mind. I’m not it.

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