I really don’t want to be a moth murderer but is this the only way to get rid of them? The only products I see are sticky things where they’ll die a slow death, or repellents which are no use if there’s already a load of moths flying around? Any help appreciated!

  1. I can loan you my cat. He’s shit at actually catching them, but it’s fun watching him try.

  2. Just remember that if they could the moths would kill you and everyone you care about.

  3. The only thing for it is spiders you need to empty a bucket of spiders into your flat.

  4. Just make sure any clothes/towels/tea towels are protected from them & properly shut any wardrobes/chests of drawers. Then, if you can be arsed, go around with a glass & a piece of paper trying to catch them & then shake the glass out of a window to get rid of them.

    Failing that, just let them fly about until they pop their clogs, seeing as they’re essentially harmless.

  5. Buy a bat(the animal not a cricket bat) then you don’t have to kill them the bat will do all the killing.

    But of course then you’ll have a bat

  6. Yeah its easy to make a no-kill moth trap, depending on your making stuff abilities. You can easily use their love for the lamp against them, using a torch and a pillow case or something. They also love sitting on egg boxes for some reason, the same way cats like sitting in normal boxes. You can attract them with some tempting egg boxes. Look it up, and good man for not killing them.

  7. I kill them the instant I see one. They leave their eggs everywhere – especially on clothes and bed linen. Their eggs turn into maggots. Once you get an infestation they are not easy to remove.

  8. Plastic pot and a thin plastic sheet (laminated paper works well.)

    Catch them one or two at a time and escort them off the premises.

    That’s what I do

  9. There is a solution. It involves a phrase that makes many people run for the hills: parasitic wasps. They are harmless to humans and SHOULD die off rapidly after dealing with the moths. But it is a bit “there was an old lady who swallowed a fly”. Plus, you know, they are parasitic wasps. Careful what you wish for.

    Seriously though, if you end up with a serious moth infestation, this is the way. There are companies who will post you little cards every couple of weeks, they contain eggs/larvae/i forget what. Leave them near the moths. They will turn into insects that munch the moth larvae. It works. Try not to think about it while you have dinner.

  10. Catch them in a glass and let them go outside – actually go out and shut the door / window or they’ll just come back

  11. I’ve never met anyone who wouldn’t kill a moth. I feel even a vegan protestor who throws chicken blood around a KFC would kill a moth.

  12. Turn off **all** your lights. Open a window. Stand outside the window with a torch. They’ll fly out, turn off the torch, go back inside and close the window, then you can turn your lights back on again.

  13. Put a torch in a box and turn off all other lights. Close box once full of moth and take outside

  14. I vacuum all moths, craneflies, mosquitos and the teeny tiny bugs you get from leaving windows open in summer… Though I sometimes leave a few for the skinny house spiders you get.

  15. Moth traps.
    its a touch and like a cone thing, they fly towards the light and get trapped in the cone thing then in the morning let them be free and enjoy the world before they get eaten by a bat.

  16. You could try to bait them out. They follow light mostly so at night you can make a light trap and catch /release them outside.

    Not sure how effective it will be mind you.

  17. Don’t kill them! Of around 2500 moth species in the UK, only 4 eat clothes. How are they getting in? Are they the clothes eating kind, or are they just coming in windows attracted to light? Moths are super cool. They don’t live very long, so if you make a concerted effort to remove them, they shouldn’t stick around.

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