I (M30) am in a FWB situation with a woman (F25) that I met on an online dating site. Her profile made it clear she wanted a fwb (she explicity stated that). Now one of the quirks I noticed about her which initially wasn’t a big deal or anything is that she “speaks ghetto English” (edit: one user felt offended I used the term ghetto, informed me it’s called ave) even though her background was growing up from a wealthy hispanic family living in a suburban neighborhood. Almost like she became obsessed with rap culture and is trying to mimic “ghetto culture” in an unintentionally racist way

**Here’s where things get tricky during sex** This is completely serious btw

She on multiple occasions has been on top of me, riding me, and when I’m getting ready to cum her mouth gets by my ear and she loudly says “Who Dat?!”. The first time it happened she got aggresive when I didn’t initially call out her name (we’ll call her Danielle in this thread). So imagine “Who Dat!…Who Dat!) And finally I’m like “Oh Danielle!”

How can I introduce other dirty talk to her? I just don’t care for her shouting in my ear, asking me to state her name. I feel like it’s going to be so awkward to bring this up to her

  1. You need to talk to her about this in a neutral situation and environment. So no where near the bedroom or any sexual situation. Then you just tell this straight up the exact same way you said it here. Then she is going to need some examples of what kind of dirty talk you’re looking for so have some ready. You can find some dirty talk in written erotica or audio clips or even porn. The you can let her watch all your examples on her own time and ask her to find dirty talk that she likes. Then you can get together and compare and find a middle ground that you both like. This is going to take some time so enjoy the journey and for focus on the end goal. Practice dirty talking over text

  2. >I feel like it’s going to be so awkward to bring this up to her

    Then this ain’t a FWB. Tell her your peace and if she can’t take it then stop sleeping with her. You’re not committed to her and she isn’t to you so don’t be shy. This will also help when you do get into a relationship with someone else because you’ll have the confidence to say something that bothers you. Right now you’re still “I rather just deal with the situation than make it enjoyable for myself.”

  3. Shoulda responded I-G-G-Y…..forget busting a nut, if I were you I would have busted out laughing.

  4. This is hilarious, I would have laughed if I were you and probably asked if she was a Saints fan

  5. 2 options:

    1) Tell her that style of dirty talk is not something you’re into. Communicate your boundaries in a respectful manner.

    2) condition your brain to enjoy it and take it even further. Example: “who dat who dat” you respond, “you already know who da fuck it is” then play one of those DJ air horn sound effects

  6. Reply: “Ask your Momma an ‘dem.” or “Where you at?” – shortened to “Y’at?”

  7. I’m sorry, I had to laugh. Maybe find a less awkward and weird FWB? 😂 She needs to find herself and until she does, she’s going to continue to yell in your ear, “Who dat?!” 😂

  8. This reminds me of the video that makes fun of Boston accents. “FUCK ME HAAAAHHDAAA! HAHDA!”

  9. This is way too cringe. I love it. You should say, “It’s me, fool. And you’re my fine dime-brizzle.” 😂

    Really, though, embody the rap artist of your choosing and lean into it. It’s the bedroom, after all. Throw in normal dirty talk, but in that tonality, I guess?

    My first thought is that this can’t be real, but I hope it is so bad.

  10. Hahah. Take my laugh and my upvote. I have no advice, but here’s my condolences

  11. Just whisper “it’s free real estate” in her pussy.

    Either she gets freaked out and asks why you did that or she accepts it and boy she ain’t ever gonna let you cleanly break that fwb off.

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