I been begging him for months to see a doctor to get checked if he’s passing the infection to me but he hasn’t yet. Then he complains that I don’t have enough sex with him.

He’s allergic to latex so we don’t use condoms and he finishes inside me. I’ve always told him to wash up first. He’s diabetic so I don’t know if that plays a roll in his body chemistry.

Every time we have sex and he finishes in me, I start getting itchy within a couple hours and then within a day or so it’s a full blown infection with discharge. I treat it until it finally clears up, rinse and repeat any time I have sex with him it seems like. I’ve never had this issue with any other sexual partners.

Edit: he’s not a cheater (he is very opinionated about infidelity), we’re both in our early 30s living together. He does care about me deeply. Perhaps he’s in denial that it could be him even though his diabetes isn’t well taken care of.

  1. There are non-latex condoms, perhaps you could try that to see if that’s contributing to the issue.
    Do you think it could be hygiene related?

  2. Skyn condoms are great, hypoallergenic lube could help too.

    He absolutely could be passing a yeast infection back to you. You both need treatment.

  3. Why are you continuing to have sex with someone who doesn’t respect your body? He doesn’t care enough about your health to see if he is the cause of your recurring infections (newsflash: he is).

  4. If he doesn’t care about your health and only his pleasure what the hell are you still doing there? Why be intimate with an AH that won’t even do a simple check up on his dirty dick? Respect yourself dammit!

  5. your boyfriend has a yeast infection on his dick, and he’s passing it to you. Good news is, the yeast cream that works for you will work for him, just get him to apply it to his dick and balls for several days straight until its gone.

  6. If he messes with your peace or your pH balance, he’s not worth the trouble. Get a new boyfriend.

  7. Yea, semen can effect your PH balance. Does he even give a shit? Or doesn’t he care as long as he gets the pleasure? Fuck what his girlfriend feels, he got his why would he care about yours?

    Tell him o fuck off or use non latex condoms.

  8. Sorry but why are you continuing to have unprotected sex with this person at the cost of your own health?

  9. > He’s allergic to latex so we don’t use condoms and he finishes inside me

    Insist on another type of condom, there’s different types.. I’m M, but an infection sounds worse than an allergy.

    Just a guess, if you were on birth control before it might be ‘convenient for him’ not to have to worry about condoms, but they’re great, and there’s no routines to stick to for the contraceptive to work, just bring one and put it on. IMO, there needs to be a _really_ good reason not to use them and I’m not sure a latex allergy counts.. Buy a few different types and have fun trying them out

    It’s a bit of a red flag he happily traded his allergy for your regular infections and hasn’t offered an option that relies on him doing something

  10. he defo has thrush and is giving it to you, him being diabetic increases his risk of having it. i recently dealt with this problem too so i know how horrible it makes you feel. you and HIM need to go on medicaton at the same time. tbh i ended with my bf over it last week bc i just cant keep doing it anymore lol, id rather just not have sex than have to deal with it anymore. good luck. go to a doctor about it or a gyno for the correct meds and dosages for you both

  11. Stop having sex with him, he is disrespecting you, your body, your health and your time.

    Also there are non latex condoms, i have partners that are allergic to latex, i just found non latex condoms, and and i had a partner that had a reaction to the lube so we tried different lubes until we found what works, this is what you do if you care about your partner.

  12. And as for being allergic to latex there’s a brand called SKYN which is latex free.

  13. So GYN here:

    A couple of things
    1. Your partner needs to be prescribed oral treatment and so do you and you need to take it at the same time

    2. Sperm offsets your pH so you need to apply some form lactobacilli gel after intercourse, there are several over the counter meds for this

    3. You need to drop intime hygiene products for a while and only use water, but clean thoroughly and you need to apply vaseline to the “entrance” and small labia for hydration

    4. You need to take oral probiotic supplements specific for candida , garden of life has good ones, for example

  14. I would go crazy if somebody didn’t respect my body and health. Why stay? He sounds like an asshole!

  15. So he went to the doctor to make sure he’s allergic to latex but it’s impossible for him to see the doctor to check up on this issue?

  16. Well
    1. There are latexfree condoms
    2. Why do you keep sleeping with him?
    He doesnt care about his or your health. He doesnt take any responsibility and even blames you for not having sex with him.

    Tell him to get checked till then you want have sex with him.

  17. Ok, so he doesn’t care about your health, at all, do you think he’d react differently if it was an STD? Probably not by the way it seems, id be moving on for sure but that’s just me

  18. I’m sorry but no sex is worth a yeast infection. Like you willingly knowing you’re going to get an infection after sleeping with him is not okay. Fuck him and not literally!

  19. Men can also carry and have yeast infections. I had one ex who used to get them regularly and would pass them to me sometimes and I would need a course of medication to clear it before we could resume having sex again without a condom. It is crazy that you’re just treating yourself and he doesn’t care.

  20. My husband is also diabetic and finishes inside me. I never have the issues you are having. Don’t have sex with someone who can’t respect your boundaries.

  21. Ewwwww. Oh god ewwwww. He is disgusting, I’m sorry. Why do you continue to have sex w him?? He doesn’t respect, or even care it sounds like.

    You know there are men out there that WONT give you infections from sex, and respect your boundaries right?

  22. Honey he doesn’t respect your body… that’s so gross. I don’t know how to deal with this I would just walk away because of the lack of care for ones own body and lack of care for mine. Also if he doesn’t like wearing condoms then other contraceptive needs to be discussed… how old are you guys?

  23. If you are having more than 3 yeast infections in a year you need to see a Dr. I highly recommend a full STD/I panel but you definitely need to be tested for BV and Trichomoniasis. These 3 can be very difficult to tell apart without a test. Reoccurring yeast can be a sign of diabetes and immune system issues.

    There are several non-latex options for condoms so stop letting that be an excuse. I’m allergic to latex myself and all the major brands make one. Skyn is probably the most popular.

  24. Imma just say it. Skip the getting him to get tested, and just leave him. This dude has no respect for you and tbh just sounds fucking gross. I think you’ll be doing yourself a huge favor.

  25. If he does, in fact, “care about you deeply”, he’d get checked out or at the very, very minimum use non latex condoms.

  26. >I been begging him for months to see a doctor to get checked if he’s passing the infection to me but he hasn’t yet. Then he complains that I don’t have enough sex with him.

    >He’s allergic to latex so we don’t use condoms and he finishes inside me.

    >Every time we have sex and he finishes in me, I start getting itchy within a couple hours and then within a day or so it’s a full blown infection with discharge. I treat it until it finally clears up, rinse and repeat any time I have sex with him it seems like. I’ve never had this issue with any other sexual partners.

    >He does care about me deeply.

    The first 3 statements contradict the last

    Latex free condoms exist

  27. >begging him for months
    >Then he complains
    >He’s allergic to latex
    >he finishes inside me

    Girl, he’s playing the FUCK out of you.

    He doesn’t care about you either. His only concern, obviously, is getting to have sex.

    Drop his ass.

  28. “He does care about me deeply” if he did, he would go to the doctor. He isn’t a child who needs mommy and daddy to make his appointments for him, he is a grown man who is literally INFECTING YOU and doesn’t care to stop. That’s the behavior of someone who DOESNT care about you in the slightest

    “Perhaps he’s in denial that it could be him even though his diabetes isn’t well taken care of” so he cares more about his own ego than his lovers sexual health. For the love of god, stand up.

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