Me (M24) and my FWB (F23) have been talking and seeing each other for about 6 months now. At the moment, she resides at a student dorm close to her college (where we meet most of the time), and since she graduates end of June (normally), she will be kicked out of the student dorm soon. At her home, the situation is pretty complicated, so she would like to go rent and live on her own. Since it’s pretty expensive to rent on your own these days, she asked me if I would like to go co-housing with her, to split the cost.

At the moment, we do all sorts of things together: sleep (and have sex) together, eat together, watch movies together, work out together, study together… So our “relationship” is more than just basic FWB. We basically do everything you would do in a relationship, without officially calling it a relationship. A while ago we were talking about our situation, and she said that “she likes the way it is, nothing more, nothing less”.

To me, this sounds like the perfect recipe for disaster. I don’t know how living together with your FWB would work. What if one of us catches feelings for the other (because I’m not sure if I can do this without catching feelings), or if one of us starts dating someone new, and has to tell the other person that we live together with our FWB.

What do you think? I have not given a clear answer yet, since I don’t want to ruin our “situationship’, but I also don’t want to lead her on.

  1. Are you sure there isn’t feelings already? I don’t know many women who would move in with someone she actively sees and has sex with, and doing the normal couple shit, absent feelings of some sort. At the very least, it’s a very passive way to grow feelings or force exclusivity because you would be hard pressed to date another woman once she lives with you. Perhaps she just doesn’t like the label of relationship but feels like you two have something worth chasing.

    That said, it sounds like a dream outside of the above mentioned (assuming it’s purely sexual for you) haha

  2. Dumb idea you are giving her the option to bring guys home an bang them while your there. if she’s fwb she belongs to the streets an recreational use only.

  3. Easy if you both plan of having kids and start a family move in together. If that’s not on the table don’t even consider it.

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