I mean I know he’s tryna be nice but he always is sayin “I love your big boobs” and whatnot. Homie my boobs are like the size of apricots. I swear yo I can cup a boob in my hand and have room to spare.
I’ve spent many years hating my chest for how small it is, but I’ve recently really come to terms with how I look.
Him saying this, although unintentionally, really is starting to hurt my feelings. Or I guess it’s Moreso making me feel as though they should be bigger than they are. Idk.

Am I being ridiculous like should I just accept the “compliment”? How do I respond?

  1. Not being ridiculous, he clearly means well but is going about it like a fucking moron.

    Think the only real way to fix it is to let him know you are aware of the size of your breasts and how awesome they are but to compliment and admire what’s there not what he thinks you want there.

    Oh add on the you appreciate the attempt misguided as it were etc bit too.

  2. I think you should talk to him. He’s trying to lift you up but he’s super clumsy about it. The fact that he’s trying though maybe matters more. I think if you explain how you feel he’ll be understanding, and it seems he does care about you.

  3. Accepting and loving your own body is a big step, is a big win. Accepting yourself is something that a lot of ppl struggle with their entire lives.

    If the way he tries to compliment you threatens to reignite such insecurities then it is long overdue to open your mouth and tell him as follows:

    ‘I like it a lot that you like my body….but….I dont have big boobs and if you say I do, even with the intention to compliment me, then it makes me feel a bit sad. Just tell me you like them when you feel like complimenting them but please dont say they are big because that isn’t true and it makes me insecure’.

    Just be direct. I mean, woman, you’re smashing that guy but you cannot speak directly to him? If you cannot talk about this freely and directly then that in and of itself will threaten the relationship rather sooner than later. Cause, trust me, there will be issues you two have to confront that are vastly more important, more emotional and more difficult to deal with than the size of boobs.

    If you already struggle to communicate this directly, then you set yourself up for failure.

    And, on a side note, I wouldnt worry so much about your boobs. A lot of men do love big boobs but another quite large fraction prioritizes good proportions. First thing I notice is overall body, legs, neck, face, ass. I could be in love instantly with how a woman looks if she has a nice and gorgeous body and face without any kind of boobs at all. Just completely flat.

    Ass is way more important to me than boobs. Skin and face and overall body shape….all of that is way more important and triggers me. I wouldnt worry about that and dont ever even think about changing them. Most guys want their gfs to be natural.

    As a guy it is different when it comes to insecurities. It isn’t advisable to be too open in terms of what you fear as a man or what threatens your inner peace, what worries you or makes you insecure. Girls just dont find that very attractive.

    Men are not like that though.

    That a woman shows herself to be vulnerable or scared doesnt turn men off. Men are wired differently.

  4. Trust me ..there are women out here with a lot less then that, maybe that’s what he’s used to…so, to him, they may be big, or bigger…you know what I mean… Maybe just accept the compliment.

  5. Mine did too and it was patronizing AF. It was also very obvious he fetishized larger boobs based on comments he made and girls he was very obviously attracted to, and for him to say mine were big was not a compliment and felt patronizing and “oh yours are fine too I guess!” Like mine are small A/Bs. I’ve gotten compliments from men who preferred small boobs. They’re small. It’s condescending when you tell me they’re big, as if big were a compliment — and that’s the crux of it. You need to tell him big is not a compliment and only perpetuates insecurities when you both objectively know they’re not that big.

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