Hey, I (M,20) am currently studying, and I don’t have a lot of experience with girls. I was happy with how things were and didn’t even think about a girlfriend. But then I saw this girl at the university and decided to ask for her number a few weeks afterward. That was successful, and we went on a date a few weeks ago. I think it went really well, so I asked (over text) if we do that again, and she said yes, definitely. The problem was the timing because holidays started and we both went home for 6 weeks. Also, now after the holidays there are just 2 months when we are both in the same city, followed by 3 months of me being away again, keep that in mind.

During the holidays we wrote some texts and I had a good feeling about the way she responded. Two weeks ago we agreed that after the holidays we should definitely go on another date, and I was thrilled. But yesterday (the end of the holidays), she wrote that she doesn’t want to meet anymore because she met someone else, and she thinks that we “didn’t click” (even though 2 weeks prior we agreed to “definitely” go on another date). Now I’m somewhat devastated and don’t know what to do. I responded that I don’t think that we didn’t click but alright I have to respect her choice. What would you advise me now? I thought of either moving on (which seems difficult because I thought we matched really good), or waiting until I come back from those 3 months and try again?

Since I am really inexperienced, any help would be appreciated!

  1. When a girl says we didn’t click what she means is “i’m not attracted to you”. It has nothing to do with clicking or anything. You may have clicked in a platonic way at most but that’s not what she is looking for.

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