What do you think is the biggest difference between man and woman thoughts process ?

  1. That men can go some time without thinking of anything whereas women are always thinking about something

  2. Women: Suggestions are orders/commands/requests

    Men: Suggestions are ideas/concepts/considerations

  3. Generally speaking in my experience men tend to be more “problem – solution – emotional processing”

    Women tend to be “problem – emotional processing – solution”

    And this causes a lot of friction since neither can understand why the other isn’t doing the obvious thing after an issue arises

  4. One thing I’ve noticed is that women seem to need to explain all the context behind something. A guy would say “I had a hard day at work, my boss yelled at me”.


    A women would need to explain the five year history of her relationship with her boss. How it’s friendly to an extent but the friendship is limited by the power differential. And how she happened to be on her period that day so she was emotional. And hadn’t had anything to eat or drink that day except a Starbucks caramel machiatto and a bagel with lite cream cheese. So when her boss yelled she had to go to the bathroom and have a little cry. And it feels so good to be home and can we go out to eat I’m starving.

  5. This sounds like a nature and nurture debate. Are we different by design? Or have we created differences. The answer is both.

    Some people will say that women are more attentive and men are more practical. I’m sure there is some truth in that, but it’d be a lie to say that all men think x and all women think y.

  6. I dunno how to explain it exactly, but the way that women write on anonymous message forums as if they’re still obligated to be people pleasers to people who they will never meet and will not remember them

  7. Woman try and think of a logical way out of things while men try and find the quickest

  8. Men: cause—>decision–> effect

    Women: cause–> context, exceptions “ifs,buts,ors”—> effect–> change of mind–> different effect–> change of mind (maybe. she’s still thinking about it)

  9. Women spend a lot more time worrying about their own personal security while in public places

  10. When women are talking about their problems it seems like they are more trying to communicate/bond and men are trying to find a solution. It seems to me that women are, in general, more about socializing and community-building, whereas with men, we tend to try to find a solution as quick as possible. And men typically only do any “community-building” when it is for a specific purpose (like a sport, a game, a problem, etc.). I know “community-building” isn’t the best term, but I mean it was as a more expanded form of “socializing”. Not the best explanation, but hope you understand.

  11. Women use a form of logic that is alien to men. It’s called the “well yes, but” statement. An example would be “WELL YES, I knew there was only $50 in the checking account, BUT I wrote a check for $75.” To them this is perfectly logical and no reason to be upset or incurr any overdraft fees.

  12. Women can multitask, doing several things at one time. Men can laser focus on one thing, because of this, men tend to be able the compartmentalize tasks where women they will have several compartments open at the same time. Also, men can close all the compartments and actually not think about anything at all.

  13. A fan of his Wiley popular romance books once asked Melvin “how do you write women so well”

    Melvin “I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability”

    You girls ask us questions you don’t really want our answer to and you get mad when you get our opinion.

    Double standards up the wazoo and you live by emotions men live by facts.

  14. Not much because we are both human beings and unique individuals. All the women and men I’ve met in my life are all different in their personalities.

  15. Women typically kill thier husbands, boyfriends , or thier own children.

    MEN typically kill randomly ( violence ), themselves or for money.

  16. Men are logical, women are emotional (of course there are exceptions, however I am generalizing)

  17. *being asked a yes or no question

    *potential male answers: yes/no

    *potential female answers: yes, but no/I guess…idk

  18. Women make money to be independent of men

    Men make money to be dependable, as in take care of a wife and kids.

  19. Women are more picky when they are younger but become more open minded about who they date as they get older. Men are more open minded about who they date when they are younger but become more picky about who they date as they get older. That’s all I have really noticed so far for differences.

  20. Men are more logical

    Women are more emotional

    Each has the capacity for the other but the primary characteristic usually prevails.

    e.g. Men want solutions to problems, women want to vent about problems.

  21. Men dont even think about the slightest and detailed aspect of things that women have already analyzed and processed!

  22. Men are more simple. We’re logical.

    Women are more complicated. They’re very emotional.

    It’s like they have this “secret language”.

    For example, me and my ex girlfriend got into an argument once. She had texted me something like “fuck off, don’t talk to me”. So I did just that. Went about 4 days without calling or texting her. She blew up my phone, asking why I was ignoring her. I sent her a screenshot of what she said. She claims she was mad and didn’t mean it.

    They’re very confusing creatures, I swear, but I love them!

  23. Women are far too concerned with feelings and lose sight of what actually matters, which is tangible results.

  24. The perspectives from which they are derived.

    As an anecdote, many women are weirdly confrontational because they have never had any consequences from it, whereas a man would have gotten his ass beat for acting the same way.

  25. I think they are mostly the same, it only changes how you are raised and what types of people are around you.

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