Literally just pulled it out. Didn’t feel it at all despite several showers??? Had a fever last night but was also around sick children over the weekend so hard to pinpoint.

I’m not in my home country either and not sure how to navigate a hospital or sti clinic here (England). I go home on Saturday. Should I assume I’m fine or does this warrant a trip to the ER or something? So far no symptoms (which is fucking crazy because I almost vomited at the smell when I pulled it out ugh).

Mildly freaking out. Advice?

  1. Yes go to the see a doctor you might not need the ER but definitely an urgent care. Finding a foreign body coupled with a fever always scream sepsis in the medical world.

  2. I think you can get toxic shock syndrome this way can’t you? How high of a fever are we talking?

  3. Healthcare is free in the UK, go find a GUM clinic or walk into an ER and they’ll put your mind at ease!

  4. My mom works at an urgent care and someone came in after this happened to her maybe a week later (she didn’t know it was in there still) and home girl had gnats living in her cooch. You’re probably fine since you got it out, but I’d definitely still go to an UC to get it checked and make sure it didn’t affect anything or get you sick.

  5. Hahahahahahahahhahaha omg that’s wild!!!! Yeah idk I would go get it checked out.. how could you not tell it was there for 4 days??????

  6. Sounds like the episode from Broad City. Not to joke around but when I read this, I did have a chuckle. I would not worry unless the condom is latex and you’re allergic. I would monitor your menstrual cycle as pregnancy is probable, but unlikely.
    Good luck.

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