How do I recover from this??

This guy I started talking to a few days ago told me he wanted to take me out on a date before he had to go back to Miami which we are 2 states from. So I said sure to a sushi date with him. What I thought was supposed to be a nice dinner date turned into a night at his house without my knowledge. Basically we met halfway and I got into his car thinking he was driving us to to the place but actually it was to his house. Which was strange but I had actually gotten dressed up so I went along with it. Fast forward and we’re in his room watching a movie and ended up hooking up. It was not great to say the least on my side. He said a lot of things to me that made me think he really liked me before and after we met that made me thing he wanted to see me again. After everything he took me home and took me he’d call me once he got back home. I noticed he sat in the parking lot for a while which I thought nothing of because he would need to work on mapping himself back home for a 40 min drive. I get inside my place and come to find out he unmatched me on bumble, unfriended me on Snapchat, and never called me. I’m highly upset because I didn’t even want to hookup and this is the outcome of settling and going against my beliefs of waiting for exclusivity to be with someone like that. I just keeps running through my head that I did something wrong for him to do this but I know some people are just sex hungry assholes. I just feel so hurt because I feel like I was led on to believe there would be more to this.

Sorry for my rant this just happened and I have no one to talk to about it.

  1. I’m very sorry this happened to you. It isn’t OK, what he did, and it’s not your fault. Hopefully you used protection, or at least some kind of birth control, but that’s none of our business.

    I’m glad you reached out. Take some time to get together with friends and try to remember that not all guys play this game.

    Again, this isn’t your fault in any way.

    Edit: You say you don’t have anyone to talk to. Feel free to comment or DM if you need to vent.

  2. Going back on the plans you made is a huge red flag. Never go with someone to a place other than the one you agreed on.

    That said, he’s a POS and it’s nothing you did. Be careful out there!

  3. I’m sorry that this happened to you. He just needed a hook-up and didn’t want to pay for a sex worker. Please get checked, just in case. This guy is a very high risk factor.

  4. Did he block your number? I’d tell him how unsafe you felt and how disappointed you were that he lied and essentially brought you back to his place without your consent. I think he needs to know this behavior is gross and creepy and I think you’re entitled to tell him this.

  5. Wow I’m so sorry this happened to you. That is sooo abusive of him and could be a good idea to talk to a counseller even just a few times about it. Mainly just the con of it all. He is a con artist and yes you weren’t so smart but these are the times we learn. I’ve had similar but not like this. if you haven’t get an sti check and maybe get to know the next guy a bit first xx

  6. I’m so sorry this happened to you. Please use this as a life lesson. He could have been a serial killer. As it is he is just a very NOT GOOD person and thank goodness you hooked up with him because you found out quickly how horrible he truly is. But next time please be more careful. Don’t do this again

  7. He’s a shitty dude with shitty morals, it’s as simple as that. He was totally okay with using you and bailing meanwhile being a manipulative, garbage can of a human being.

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