I’ve tried asking in person and dating apps. I’m confident, fit, relatively attractive and I can maintain good conversation. But the closest I got was organizing a date then being cancelled on last minute. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong here, I honestly don’t get it. I’ve tried everything I can to meet someone and all I see on dating apps are girls wanting guys with money and a car. All I see in person are girls with boyfriends. Maybe it’s the area I live in? I have money but I just don’t like attracting those kinds of people I find it revolting honestly. Guess it’s back to the gym and work life cause dating is on a whole nother level of messed up. People ghosting each other and using weird terminology and physical traits to define people’s personality. This is so lame

  1. You are only 19 and along with that you dealt with a global pandemic for half of high school which is most likely the most social place you’ve been in your life so far. Being online and only seeing half of someone’s face when you go outside really can tank the social aspects of life. I know you haven’t had much luck since things have gotten back to normal, but you should really cut yourself some slack.

    There could be some things that you are doing that are off putting. Sometimes it can be hard for us to be objective and see where our social pitfalls are. Maybe you come off too strong, maybe you come off as uninterested, maybe you’re just a little awkward, maybe you talk to much about yourself, maybe you only ask the girl questions and it feels like an interview talking to you. Nobody can really tell you without knowing you, so it’s up to you to look at your interactions and think about what can be improved.

    Just keep working on the parts of life you have control over and don’t get too down on yourself for the stuff you don’t. Truth is, sometimes you can truly be doing everything right and you just don’t happen upon the types of people you would attract. I’m in a similar situation. I take everyone’s advice, and yet I’ve had absolutely no luck. I just let myself be excited about the achievements I’ve had at school and in my career! Also, remember that trying IS an achievement in itself. Asking and being rejected is an accomplishment because you TRIED! That’s more than a lot of people can say 🙂

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