Men of Reddit, what are things that you hear about other men in relationships that make you cringe?

  1. Whenever i heard someone say “I hate my wife/gf/bf/partner”.

    I mean, if you hate them, ¿Why are you together? You can get out and go with someone that you don’t hate.

  2. “He’s such a wuss.”

    “He’s so whipped.”

    “He lets her walk all over him.”

  3. Hitting
    Narcissistic behaviour.

    Lack of patience humility and grace.

    It’s a choice to be a good man

  4. When they have to ask for their wife’s permission before doing anything. Either she’s controlling and your whipped, or you were so irresponsible with your time management in the relationship that your wife was forced to act as your mother as well.

    Don’t get me wrong, when you’re in a partnership like that I think it’s absolutely important to communicate with your partner about what you’re doing and to make sure you’re not forgetting anything important that you might need to do, but if your partner isn’t letting you go have fun or if you’ve been so bad at making time for your partner and the rest of your life that you have to ask for permission before having fun I think that’s a big problem.

  5. When they are Jealous of their wife’s bulls. They have a job, and you have a job. Just because they make your wife shake in orgasmic delight and you are “just” on clean up duty doesn’t mean you aren’t important.

  6. Anytime I encounter the “I don’t have female friends because she doesn’t like the idea”-type thing.

  7. ‘I’ll ask the wide to see if she’ll let me’ or any variation of must need permission to do anything

  8. When other guys wife/girlfriends are pretty much the parent in the relationship then guys wonder why they aren’t getting much sex.

    Like, guys, if you don’t do anything unless she asks you to multiple times, she has to remind you to do things, she tidies up after you, she prepares dinner, she looks after the kids… guys, you’re just another child. It’s a parent child relationship, not a adult relationship where both adults participate.

    Start doing things around the house. Start participating as a responsible adult in your relationship and then see if she starts to want to have more sex

  9. When dudes lie to their girl about stuff other dudes said/did, to make themselves look better.

  10. One of my best friends tried breaking up with his gf… she forced him into couples therapy.

    When you accidentally out your friends lie and don’t even know you are because you had no idea he lied to his GF about it. Example: He comes over late a night for some beers but tells his GF he went home to sleep instead. Just be honest with her, what’s so hard about that?

  11. How they have to “keep her in line” and “show her who’s in charge”

    Just ew

  12. When a man says he needs to ask his wife for permission. I know it could be an excuse to get out of something. But the mere statement makes me sick.

    Also on the flip side. When a man openly admits to blowing off plans with his S/O to hang with friends. I find it super disrespectful.

  13. Whenever a woman posts that her BF has terrible hygiene.

    Another example is when a woman says her BF would rather watch porn than have sex.

    Where do they find these looser?

  14. “I, ___ , take you, ___, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this forward, for richer for poorer until death do us part.” Simply full of shit lmao

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