Mexico and Canada are, by a very large margin, the two most popular foreign countries for Americans to visit. So I am wondering if there are some of you who have been to foreign countries but not to either of these two.

  1. My mom is from Spain

    We visit there every summer and spend time with family

    I’ve never seen any point of going to Canada and my mom doesn’t like Mexico

  2. I’ve been abroad 8 times but never to Canada or Mexico. I haven’t even been the the West Coast of the U.S.

  3. I’ve been to The Bahamas, South Korea, and Hong Kong, going to Italy in a few months. Never been to Mexico or Canada, although I’ve been literally right at the border of Canada while hiking without crossing over. I should probably get around to going just to say I have, but I don’t really have a reason to otherwise.

  4. I’ve been to multiple countries in Europe, the Caribbean, and Mexico, never set foot across our northern border though.

  5. I’ve been overseas a couple of times in addition to Mexico. I haven’t been to Canada, even though I’m much closer to our northern neighbor.

  6. Yep, haven’t been to mexico for some reason. Nothing in particular, I just haven’t gotten around to it.

  7. We have 330 million people so you’ll definitely find a few people even though Canada and Mexico are our two biggest out of country destinations.

    I grew up going to Canada but didn’t go to Mexico until my 30s.

    I know my friend has been to Europe three or four times but never Mexico or Canada.

  8. The first countries I visited were South Korea, India, Malaysia, Taiwan, and China.

    I have since been to Canada (actually just got back from there on Monday), but have never been to Mexico.

  9. The only country outside the US I’ve been to so far is England, which is where I live and work full-time.

  10. I’ve been to Canada and a few countries in Western Europe, but never been to Mexico. I’d definitely like to visit at some point, just haven’t had the opportunity yet.

  11. Yeah I went to the Caribbean once like 10 years ago. I live far away from both Canada and Mexico so I wouldn’t just end up there without a reason.

  12. I live within 100 miles of the Mexico border and have only been once as a kid. I also only have been to Canada once as a kid. But I have been to many countries outside of the continent for significantly more time. Djibouti, Philippines, Spain, Ireland, Germany, Italy, I am sure I am missing some, I guess you can count Kuwait and Iraq. I lived in 2 of these countries for 3 years each and another two for 6 months.

  13. I have traveled extensively abroad but I’ve only been to Canada once (Quebec City, many years ago) and I’ve never been to Mexico.

  14. I had visited 40 countries (including Canada) before finally making it to Mexico.

  15. I went to France in HS. Then I went to Bahamas, Jamaica, Dominican Republic.. and finally made it to Mexico recently.

    I’m from PA and have been to Maine, but never made it to Canada.

  16. Yo! Visited Australia, Hing Kong, Singapore, Bahrain, and UAE before I ever got around to Mexico.

  17. Yes. Europe, Africa, the Middle East, South America, but never Mexico or Canada. I don’t really see the point.

  18. I’ve visited like 26 countries (with some extended stays and lots of repeat visits to some) yet I’ve never been to Canada.

  19. Mexico and Canada were my first, but it was so long ago you didn’t even need a passport for same day trips as long as you were out before the end of the day.

  20. Until last week I was in that category.

    I went to the UK in 2015 for a school trip. I didn’t use my passport again until last week when I went to Canada.

  21. I’ve lived in Europe, and traveled all over the continent, plus several countries in Asia. I’ve spent a lot of time in Canada (I more or less lived there unofficially for 6 months), but I’ve never been to Mexico.

  22. I’ve lived in Argentina, South Africa, and Greece as an adult and traveled to maybe 10 more countries in addition.

  23. Ive been all over the world, yet I keep putting off our neighbors because I keep saying it’s so close, why not go somewhere further?

    I will finally break that trend when I drive up to Alaska for my seasonal job and see BC and the Yukon.

  24. I’ve been to Mexico now, but before I went to Mexico, I had been to Morocco, Egypt, Israel, Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, Bahrain, Qatar, South Africa, India, Myanmar/Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, China, Macau, Hong Kong, Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Portugal, Spain, Andorra, France, Monaco, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Italy, Vatican, San Marino, Malta, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Greece, and Turkey.

  25. Yep I’ve been to Europe and Asia. Been to Canada because it’s close but not Mexico, I’d like to some day but it’s not on the top of my list either

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