Do you like his music? What do you feel when you hear his name or music?

  1. I like him. His voice is an acquired taste, for sure. But, his songwriting is tops!

    He was writing hit country songs in the 60’s (like Crazy) before he made a name for himself as a performer.

  2. I won’t turn the station, but I haven’t bought any of his music.

    And, he’s so damn old now that his singing is pretty shitty, I’m sorry, but it is.

    I really like that he uses his old beat up guitar, trigger. He seems like a kind man and I have positive feelings for him.

  3. I’m a general fan of some of his music and him as a person.

    He reminds me of my late grandfather (Papa) whose ashes we spread to a Willie Nelson song. Papa was a big fan of Willie Nelson so the plan had been to spread his ashes on his childhood property to “On the Road Again” but something went wrong with my grandma’s phone so we couldn’t stream the song (way out in the country). We put on the Willie Nelson station on Sirius and “Always On My Mind” came on, so we spread his ashes to that. Fuck I’m crying now.

  4. My best friend went to a willie Nelson concert recently. She said he was still pretty good despite being high as a kite and almost 90 lol

  5. The living legend! His music reminds me of long road trips with my family when I was a kid. 🥰

  6. Not a fan of his music necessarily, but I like him as a person. Seems like a really cool dude.

  7. The last American that everyone loves or at least doesnt hate. I like his music, have a few cds and records even.

  8. His concerts are by far the most fun I have ever been too. I have seen him several times, and he always played for over 3 hours, without slowing down at all. Once I made it to the front of the stage with my girlfriend (now wife) and in the middle of a song he pointed at her, looked at me and winked. It was awesome.

    Once my dad and mom were in Branson, Missouri and dad got up early to jog and he just randomly ran into Willie jogging also, so they ran together and chatted for about a mile. This was in the 80s.

    He keeps buckets on stage to take donations for farm aid, and plenty of people dropped weed into them also.

    As for his music, it is outstanding. People think that he is just outlaw country, but his blues, songbook, and other “Americana” stuff is fantastic. Check out “Stardust” and “Red Headed Stranger,” they really show his range.

    Oh, and yea I think he is awesome, in case you can’t tell.

  9. He is probably the finest citizen my state of Texas has produced since Audie Murphy.

  10. One of those guys who defines the American experience. He’s also a unique kind of guy where country folks love him although he’s a pot smoking outlaw cowboy, and city folks love him for his social commentary.

    It will be a sad day when he dies.

  11. I have never sought out his music or listened to a song from beginning to end, knowing that it was Willie Nelson. I probably have heard his music but I wouldn’t recognize it as him. I would mainly recognize him from being in Half Baked and other stoner movies.

  12. Love ‘em. Never considered him much until I saw him on a double bill with Bob Dylan. Heck of a performer. I loved every minute of his show. An American icon. And, as a Vermonter, his version of “Moonlight in Vermont” is the best version out there.

  13. The nicest guy and a true living legend. During covid I read a Texas Monthly issue devoted to him, and it was full of stories from his peers highlighting how cool and just a genuinely nice dude he is. Here’s one from Billy Joe Shaver:

    “My son Eddy died of a heroine overdose in 2000. I got to the hospital and said, ‘I’m here to see my boy,’ and they said, ‘He’s dying.’ Sure enough, he was. I managed to get his boots on him, but he died downstairs there. They took him upstairs and brought him back to life — and then he died again. He always had a saying that he didn’t like to rehearse. But I guess he did this time, because he died twice.

    We had a show scheduled to play at Poodie’s that night, and none of my band showed up. They’d been with Eddy when he overdosed, and I think they thought I’d kill em all. And I probably would have. But Willie came with his band and took over. And you know how he is — so damn cool and calm, his whole spit-in-the-devil’s-eye thing — that’s how he did the show. I’d get up every once in a while and sing what I could, but it was hard. I’m not a very emotional guy; it’s hard for me to cry. But I did have one of those that night, way out back, off by myself.

    And of course, Willie’s son Billy had died a few years before. I’d been really close with Billy — both of us were borderline crazy — and Willie knew that. But he never gave me any advice about Eddy. He just showed up for me. And then he paid for the funeral.”

    He’s one of those people who if you don’t like him as a person, I don’t trust you.

  14. I like his music and he is likable and interesting in interviews

    I like his story too how he started young yet couldn’t fit in in Nashville other than as a song writer so he went back to Texas and became the long haired outsider country guy we know now. He was a DJ too

    I’m not a fan in the sense in throwing in his reconfirm but I know a lot of his music

  15. I can honestly say I’ve never heard anyone say they don’t like Willie. He’s America’s cool drifter uncle.

  16. Yes. Been around a long time. Made some great music.

    Angels flying too close to the ground is probably my favorite.

  17. It took me quite some time to grow to appreciate his vocal timing/phrasing, and I think it was *Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground* that pushed me there. That song, and his duet with Ray Charles *Seven Spanish Angels* are probably my favorites of his.

  18. I like some of his music. Aside from being a country artist, one major claim to fame is that he’s the one person who outsmoked Snoop.

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