Me and my gf broke up over 1.5 years ago, Since the breakup We’ve been in contact on and off(a naive step on my part), throught the course of being broken up, we’ve gone through a lot, Initially she tried to get back together, after that I wanted. But then she started dating other guys and she was telling me everything. Even when she had a boyfriend and some other guy that she liked at the same point of time after we broke up, she used to stay in contact with me. Ask for advices, talk about her family and stufff. I did’nt share a lot with her cuz i didn’t feel comfortable. Sometimes i did, but it was mostly her talking about random stuff. But recently she was getting very lately she was getting very close, and me being the guy who knows all (or atleast i thought) about her, I knew the red flags. I knew that she is very volatile with her feelings and constantly need someone to take care of. She has no control over her harmones and her emotions and frequently makes a big deal of the issues that she faces.(probably due to the lack of approval she has got growing up). I called her up and asked her what are we doing? Why are you getting close to me. Se said it was normal like friends do but no ex would talk about the stuff that has references in past and treat her ex like nothing has happened with being it normal. Then I was 60% sure she was lying, I told her that i had informed you that i still have not given up on you on a long term relationship.
Lately i have been having these thoughts but i know this is not the right time to be dating EACH OTHER and its better if we don’t talk. She said okay and told me that if i ever wanna talk about anything she’s there.
Cut to 5 days after this, i am blocked on every platform. I find it okay. But two days ago, I get a call from a mutual friend and we discussed a lot about my ex and I found out about the kind of lies she’s been feeding me since the day we brokeup.
She used to tell me everything but purposely left out details so as to keep me invested in her and that version of story made her the victim. I was furious and called her up and she answers and when she hears that i am confronting her on her lies. She hangs up and on the second call, her male friend attends and tells me to stop calling her.
I feel wronged by that woman and i don’t understand the foul emotions inside me.

1 comment
  1. She used for attention and validation, bud.

    Lesson from this: you shouldn’t be friends with an ex, especially one that was a bad partner to begin with.

    Count it a blessing that she blocked you.

    Don’t confront her again. She knows what she did and doesn’t care.

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