I grew up in a buttermilk **hidden valley** household, but in recent years it just has not been tasting the same. Tried Kens Steak House ranch and was not a big fan. It’s fine, but eh imo

Willing to pay the big bucks if needed


Pls don’t say Hidden Valley.

  1. Your best bet might be to find a local restaurant that sells it. My favorite is from Dion’s which is a local/regional pizza restaurant and they sell their own bottles.

  2. Lighthouse, Walden farms and kens have all been pretty tasty to me. Though I still buy hidden valley more often not really sure why.

  3. Do what restaurants do…use the HVR packet. 2 parts mayo, 1 part sour cream, 1 part buttermilk all fresh and all full fat. Mix it up with a pinch of MSG, let it sit 15 minutes or so in the fridge. Doctor it up with some dill, black pepper, and chives to taste.

  4. Maries.


    Brianna’s but it is kind of pricey.

    The real trick is home made and essentially nearly double up on the dill and chives.

  5. > Pls don’t say Hidden Valley.

    I mean… they’re the most accessible/common *because* they are and have been the most popular. You might get some value out of other brands, but perhaps the only ones my grocer actually stocks **other than hidden valley** is their generic brand, and Newman’s Own brand (neither of which I’ve risked the difference of $0.50 plus or minus to stray from hidden valley).


    Arguably here, is to get the dry spice packets instead, and make your own batch. Doesn’t so much matter if it’s from hidden valley or whoever else, it gives you control over the milk & fat content in terms of milk/oil to add. And you can add or swap in some other stuff to your tastes – some smoked paprika or a teaspoon of pickled jalapeno juices can go a long way to give it some smokey/spicy kick, without overpowering the “ranch” flavor.

  6. I like Briana’s and Marzetti, but really I just reach for the kroger brand or kraft. There isn’t a wrong choice.

    Alternatively, find a Jet’s pizza near you and buy their ranch by the bottle. That shit is tasty.

  7. Can’t buy it from them, I don’t think, but The Big Texan Steak Ranch in Amarillo sells the best ranch I’ve ever had with their deep-fried bull testicles.

  8. In my experience, the refrigerated brands always taste better. Marie’s and Litehouse are both great. Gregg’s is very good if you like a strong dill taste to your ranch.

  9. I buy Marzetti or Marie’s and shamelessly add a packet of Hidden Valley powder for an extra punch of flavor.

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