As I’m in my mid 30s I’ve been losing more and more people.. It sucks, but it’s gotten me to thinking about health more and more.

I recently went to the dentist, where they check your blood pressure for whatever reason, and mine was extremely elevated. That got me even more worried.

I work a sometimes very labor intensive job and get a ton of excersise and walk 5 mile days multiple times a week. Currently 6′ at around 200 lbs. I have a little bulk in my belly but no fat anywhere else really.

I drink water religiously being I’m a r/hydrohomie

  1. Seeing a dermatologist about sketchy moles.

    I had one on my scalp that turned out to be cancerous and they had to cut out a piece of skin the size of a deck of cards and I felt bro scraping during the Mohs surgery.

    10/10 do not recommend letting it get to that point.

  2. Signing up for the gym and going consistently.

    I finally had a physical in December and my new doctor told me that I could afford to lose a few pounds via diet and walking. He then told me that, if I wanted, he could write me a letter of medical necessity and I could use either HSA or FSA to join a gym.

    I took him up on it and got an annual membership with that cash. Been going as much as I can and have dropped at least 10 lbs so far.

  3. Getting my ADHD diagnosis and starting treatment.

    My teens and 20s could be so much easier.

  4. This is gross but I had plantar warts that I put off seeing a doctor about. Really stupid decision. Most of the time they’re painless but if my feet were squeezed just the right way they hurt like crazy. A few appointments with a podiatrist made them disappear.

  5. Getting a filling that fell out fixed. Eventually the tooth pretty much exploded on a Friday and I needed emergency work done on Monday, so that was a fun weekend.

  6. I had an anal fistula that I put off getting treated for 3 years. 3 years of bleeding when I poop, pain, taping pads to my butthole before getting intimate. I though my life was over at 21 and didn’t even consider that surgery could fix it.

    Stupid. Had an operation and was perfect in 3 weeks.

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