Edit – Apologises just to clarify. Bond is a big thing here in the UK, just intrigued if it is in America and around the world.

  1. Not as big in the zeitgeist as it was in the 60s and 70s, but people still go to the new movies.

  2. Pretty big. Always one of the biggest blockbusters releases every time they come out.

  3. It does well in the states. I didn’t care for the end of the last one though. Craig is going to be tough to replace.

  4. The US and Canadas box office takes are generally lumped together, but from the looks of the numbers the bond films do well here.

  5. It’s dead in my opinion. They can name Daniel Craig’s character “James Bond” but it’s really Jason Bourne.

  6. It’s a blockbuster franchise. Every release draws huge audiences.

    * Casino Royale – $167,000,000 in North America. 9th biggest movie of 2006
    * Quantum of Solace – $168,000,000. 9th biggest movie of 2008
    * Skyfall – $304,000,000. 4th biggest movie of 2012.
    * Spectre – $200,000,000. 11th in 2015
    * No Time To Die – $160,000,000. 7th in 2021

  7. Pretty big. Everyone is aware of it, at least. If you dropped catchphrases, most people would get them.

  8. The last one I can recall people actually talking about was Casino Royale. I thought it was alright, but I like my Bond a bit cheesier than that.

  9. Everyone knows what it is, the movies do well, people can recite famous lines, but it’s not a phenomenon or anything (it might’ve been before I was born idk)

    To me it’d seem the Goldeneye 007 N64 game is the most recent Bond thing to have a *massive* cultural impact here.

  10. There is a reason they try to get people stirred up over it by constantly saying they have a “new” angle on James Bond. He’s a stale character that’s no longer relevant. Kingsman was the best James Bond movie in ages.

  11. It’s popular but it’s not THE big thing. It was much more popular in the 70s or so I gather from my Dad

  12. It started dropping off in popularity significantly in my social circles after Tomorrow Never Dies. Prior? Household name. The character is still well known, but nowhere near what it was even 15 years ago.

  13. Personally I haven’t watched a Bond movie in years. The current guy looked too much like the villain for me to get on board. My husband watched them and liked them but overall I think it gets hyped up when the movie is released and then dies down. Harry Potter is far more popular.

  14. It’s a very significant cultural touchstone here. There are still Bond movie marathons on TV stations. When I was growing up, watching a Bond movie was a classic father-son rainy Sunday activity. Right up there with the Eastwood spaghetti westerns.

  15. I think Bond was more popular in the 1960s and then began to dwindle.

    The most popular Bond was Connery followed by Moore. After that, not sure. But I think he is now seen as kind of an anachronism.

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