I was with a girl that i am in love with for 6 months. She left me. Now normally if someone left me for nothing i wouldn’t bother being extremely sad. I am the man of letting it go. However in this situation our love is still there. She says she loves me and i love her as well. She left me because something stupid I did.

Once while i was drunk i texted a girl who doesn’t mean nothing to me and who lives in another country. I just said something like wow hot stuff.

I have zero chance of meeting her in real life. We don’t have an ongoing conversation. It’s just one reply to her story that i texted without thinking anything. Without knowing it would be a disrespect to my relationship. And another thing that i think is really significant to my situation is that my main language is not English so i really don’t feel the words when i say them in English. This is irrelevant to her but to me it really does have an importance.

Anyways fast forward to some days later my gf saw that text and she said she doesn’t feel the same trust with me anymore and she broke up with me because of this.

Now as you might guess it is eating me inside to lose someone i love for something i did nonchalantly and without thinking.

Now we are still talking and we decided to try to bring the trust back. Idk if it will work.

I wanted to ask you guys about your opinion. I know i am guilty but i really want to fix things. What do you think my next move should be?
How can i convince her that i really don’t care about that girl and i was unthoughtful at the time?

Thank you

Tl;Dr: i don’t know what this means

  1. >we decided to try to bring the trust back

    Well YOU’RE the one who betrayed the trust so its up to YOU to fix it. It’s not some thing where “Oh i dont know if it will work”. It’s not some thing where SHE is part of it. It’s YOUR responsibility. You figure out what you did wrong, you figure out how to fix it, you figure out how to never do it again. Thats how it works.

    Only YOU know your motivation. Only YOU know your relationship with this woman. Only YOU know what she needs to feel secure moving forward. We can’t help you.

  2. > This is irrelevant to her but to me it really does have an importance.

    It’s irrelevant to her because it’s irrelevant, full stop.

    > Anyways fast forward to some days later my gf saw that text and she said she doesn’t feel the same trust with me anymore and she broke up with me because of this.

    So you didn’t even come clean to her. She had to find out by herself.

    > Now we are still talking and we decided to try to bring the trust back.

    There’s no “we” here. You are the only one who contributed to the relationship ending.

    > How can i convince her that i really don’t care about that girl and i was unthoughtful at the time?

    You can stop with the silly excuses. It’s okay because you don’t *care* about this girl. English is your *second* language. It was only a *single* comment. I could *never* meet this other girl in real life.

    How are you not ashamed to face her after making excuses like this.

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