How much does “Take your own” mean by you? It’s 20p or so in Liverpool.

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  2. £0.00p. They’re being paid to do a job, why would I pay them extra just for doing it?

  3. They get paid to serve drinks. Why would i supplement their income in a country that has a minimum wage.

  4. Depends on the amount of drinks I’m buying – if I’m there for a while or buying rounds then yeah the staff will get a drink from me (usually a couple of quid, or up to the price of a pint)

  5. I would never tip bar staff. Especially with some of the shoddy ping pouring that goes on.

  6. When did that become a thing? Pay an additional fee to pour and hand to me something I have already paid for? I hope I haven’t missed something.

  7. How much do you tip the bin men for emptying your bins, the post man for delivering your post, the cleaner who cleans the room you walk in, the shop assistant who scans your items, the street cleaners tidying a city up after a Saturday night, the drs receptionist that books your appointment, the call centre staff that deal with your enquiry?

  8. Nothing generally. Tipping isn’t a thing in the UK.
    If the service is amazing then I’ll ask if I can buy them a drink (this usually comes in form of staff tickets that they can use there).

  9. If I say “one for you” I mean a pint for you after shift or the cost of it into the tip jar.

    That’s my local though. Always been that way. Was when I worked there so I carry that on and so do all the regulars.

  10. Zero.

    They are pouring me a drink. That’s it. Why the hell am I giving them extra money when the cost of a pint is over five fucking quid.

  11. Unless they add it automatically and it’s too awkward to say no, i think it’s fine not to.

    Which minimum wage jobs deserve tips and which don’t? Restaurant servers, yes. Grocery cashiers, no?

    I just don’t like importing these Americanisms.

  12. I worked in a bar for 5 years and never expected this

    Super friendly people or friends would buy me a drink, and that was nice, but never expected.

  13. Just a couple of pints or so, no tip, if it’s a heavier night, several people and several rounds I’ll offer up ‘and one for yourself mate’ which i take as give yourself the money of whatever drink you want.
    Other than one chap behind the bar in a pub near my work who I always buy a drink for no matter what as he helped me out in a situation he absolutely did not have to so he is now on the always tip list.

  14. I tip bar staff for serving me drinks as often as I tip my dental hygienist’s assistant for sucking saliva out of my mouth.

  15. I’ve never tipped in a pub, I dont know anyone who does 😬

    When I’ve been out for meals I will, if its deserved.

  16. Nothing

    I’ve been going to pubs for over twenty years and I’ve never tipped bar staff

  17. Tipping bar staff that clearly don’t give a fuck and leave you waiting at the bar serving others before you… seems like a good idea

  18. Nothing. If I know them well then I might buy thrm a drink for when their shift finishes. But never a cash tip.

    There are many fine things about the US but tipping is not one of them. Stop trying to make it a thing here.

  19. Nothing, ever.

    When I last had a tab at my local (is that even a thing now?) I’d occasionally tell the barman of bar girl to have a drink on me. But this is 20+ years ago when I actually went to the pub, and bar staff drank and lock ins happened. These things may all still happen but I’d have no idea as I’m too old to know about it now.

    But I’d never tip bar staff in the UK. It’s ridiculous

  20. I give them a quid or two if I’m getting a round. I find that next time I get a round they’re much quicker at serving me.

  21. OP is the kind of person who would tip a landlord on top of their rent.

    This is not the states, please stop trying to make tipping a thing.

  22. If I’m in a pub / bar where I’ve got a certain relationship with the staff, we’re having a chat etc I’ll normally offer them one if they like. If I’m in a pub where I haven’t been before or don’t go often I don’t bother. When I’m out to eat I normally just round the bill up, £66 to £70 and leave the change for example.

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