My bf and I met when I was 16, and he was 20. Our age gap is 3.5 years since his birthday is February, and mine is September.

I met him online on a really small discord server while playing games, and we didn’t meet in rl until a year later (by then I was 18), which was also last September.I forgot to mention that he’s in Canada while I’m in America, so it is long distance.

He never had any rl relationship other than me, and his previous online gf ghosted him. He treats me so well, pays for everything, comforts me when I’m sad, and pampers me a lot. He never pushes me if I don’t want to do anything, and is willing to do stuff he otherwise wouldn’t (like the time he ate chocolate icecream because I fed it to him even if he doesn’t like chocolate). I also have a trauma with people yelling, and he used to yell a lot but he stopped when I cried (his sister is half deaf and his grandma is hard of hearing, he gets a bit frustrated when we play games and lose a lot). He doesn’t yell at all anymore. he just takes a deep breath when he gets frustrated. This honestly made me love him so much more.

His family is definitely financially lower class, but he refuses to let me pay for anything when I visit. He’s so sweet that even if I was on the lookout for red flags, there weren’t any.

Anyways, the age gap has only started to bother me since one of my friend makes a disgusted sound whenever I mention the age difference and my cowoker and I had a conversation this afternoon with a 15/16 yr old who dated a 20/21 year old and got cheated on.

I know the age gap is iffy, and it’s been making me rethink the situation. But I love him lots, and I really don’t want to break up. I feel like I just need some reassurance or something. I’m probably someone who is easily influenced, and these things are just making me feel a little uneasy. Anyways, if u got this far – thanks. That was also a good rant for me 😀

  1. He hasn’t pressured you, according to your post. Have you deprived yourself from something you were expected for your age because of him?

  2. Not sure what a 20 year old sees in a teenager but that’s me. Plus long distance in separate countries…yea.

  3. 4 years is nothing when you’re both in your 20’s, but a sophomore/junior in college sniffing around a high schooler is weird as fuck.

    Would you date a 14-year-old now? Weird, right?

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