How would you react if your partner spat in your face during an argument?

  1. An ex did this to me.

    I told her that she just used her one free pass and if she ever does it again, we’re over.

    She did it again a few weeks later. We were over.

  2. I hate crazy people and am dating accordingly, so this would never happen with my gf, but if it did, I would break up immediately, not because of the spit itself but because that person is obviously nuts.

  3. Leave then warn there’s no next time, but the damage is done so she would have to make up for it. A huge part of my respect is gone with this

    It’s a very dangerous territory and not one i’m willing accept

  4. Spitting on someone is a deeply provocative expressive of contempt, a physical affront, and a taunt to fight. It’s dangerous behavior, and so this is a serious question.

    My nature would have me would forgive it, but it would be impossible to forget it. If everything was great thereafter, then I’d probably get over it in a couple of decades or so.

    A second occurrence, however, would be the permanent end of the entire relationship.

  5. I would take that as complete disrespect and end the relationship right there. That’s physical abuse.

    Who spits on someone? And not just someone but the person who is supposed to be your partner. I wouldn’t want to be with that kind of person.

    I would also assume that the behavior will escalate to much more violent behavior.

  6. Poorly. I try to respect people and this would be a complete disregard of that. I am not sure there would be a way to recover after that.

  7. Like purposely gathered spit and spit on me? We’d be done then and there.

    I had an ex slap me during an argument. I told her she got one and if she ever did it again we were over. Oddly she didn’t, she cheated instead. So we ended and she begged to stay in contact. I thought being mature meant being friends with exes. Well when I told her I was seeing another woman, she slapped me. Last time I ever saw or spoke to her.

    Edit: DYAC

  8. Initially I’d probably be stunned for a few moments.

    The rest would depend upon how heated the argument was prior to that and what it was about.

    But I’d be pretty likely to think that she had just gone full psycho.

  9. Not sure.

    I’m only not sure because I don’t know if I’d leave and never see that person again, or if I’d open-hand slap in the face then leave and never see that person again. It would be a reaction, I’m not sure it would be a choice.

  10. It would not be pretty – not one bit. I have rules that I follow when we have a disagreement, and they have largely served me/us well and a lot of that revolves around not eroding trust or respect. Stuff like that can be unrelated, and linger long after the disagreement. I cannot imagine one of two people in any sort of healthy relationship, showing that level of disrespect towards the other.

  11. That is flat-out unacceptable. There are lines you don’t cross.

    At the very least, I’d be furious and make sure she knew it.

  12. If we can’t settle a disagreement without her feeling like she needs to do that, there is nothing worth keeping

  13. I’m assuming this isn’t an accidental spitting? The relationship would be over.

  14. Wow.

    I would think the relationship was over. I would never tolerate that kind of disrespect to me ever.

  15. That is not my partner anymore.

    I reexamine what parts of life we are actually still sharing without being partners (sex, social life, parenting, mortage, whatever) and adjust my expectations. But whatever the outcome, I no longer mentally treat that person as my partner. Especially in terms of things I own her.

    She is free to make herself my partner again, but there will be no support for this from my side.

  16. Well if you spat on a stranger you could get charged for assault that’s I’m sayin…

    I would dip out of that relationship if it’s short term.
    If it’s long term I would be definitely take a step back and reevaluate, and be very deliberate with your words… if you’re married be sure to collect evidence if you don’t want to still lose half your shit

  17. I would be more shocked and stunned and probably speechless for a while. We’ve had some doozy arguments (15 years together, it happens) but not once have we ever struck the other or SPIT on the other. I would most likely walk away so as to not lose control over myself but she would later be warned that was the 1 free pass she gets on that and the second time, will bear consequences and if she wants to do that again, at least wait until we’re having sex! (kidding… sorta)

  18. I would be horrified and deeply concerned. My girlfriend doesn’t get terribly angry. If she did she wouldn’t yell and shout. If she did, she wouldn’t spit. If she did, she wouldn’t spit in my face. So if this happened something is going terribly wrong inside her that takes precedent over my rage at her doing it.

  19. Done. Immediately and on the spot I’m cutting that shit off

    That’s easily one of the most disrespectful acts someone can do to another, which speaks enough for me to call it

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