What’s the red line if a woman crosses that you start running for the hills

  1. In the long run it doesn’t take much. I looked for someone who made my life better. Not worse.

  2. When she eats her cereal with water that’s where I draw the line, doesn’t matter how hot she is

  3. Any instability or mental illness and I’m gone. Bipolar, Depression, BPD, etc. It doesn’t fucking matter, it isn’t worth dealing with. Life is too short to deal with unstable people. Bail at the word therapist or the first nutty mood swing.

    Lucky for us it has become en vogue to brag about being mentally ill so you can avoid them easier than ever. Used to be you had to go on a few dates to realize she is a seething narcissist. Now she’ll crow about all her problems on social media or dye her hair blue for you. It’s like a warning label. Warning, use of this product may cause loss of social status, loss of economic status, and difficulty trusting women. Please stop using the product, go no contact, and consult your bros if you experience any of the symptoms.

    **Edit**: Lol at the post and block comment. Too unstable to take a reply.

    >Plenty of mentally well people are in therapy.

    No. They literally require outside help to regulate something as simple as their own mind. That’s a titanic flaw. This is not and never will be a reliable individual.

    Also, you’ll always have a meddling third wheel in any relationship you have with this woman. She might as well have an astrologer on speed dial.

    Also, note this individual tells me if I shit on therapy I must need it. Every cult needs new members. They’ll always drag you down like that.

    Thank you for the further illustrations why you are too crazy to date.

  4. It doesn’t really matter! Each of us choose the level of crazy that we are willing to tolerate. To some extent, it is what attracts us to you! Not unlike 8n the same way is men come up with crazy ideas as well!

  5. Any mental illness is too much. Go, get treatment, but we aren’t dating.

    If she adds stress to my life. I want home to be my calmest place. If she’s a tempest I’m not interested.

  6. No one knowingly dates outside of their crazy range.

    If you date her knowing those things you are as crazy as she is

  7. I see a lot of mental illness comments on here. IMO if she has a mental illness it all depends on how she’s handling it. If she’s working to overcome it then it’s a green flag. If she’s using it as a crutch or an excuse for bad behavior then it’s a red flag.

    Also if she has multiple cats and throws birthday parties for them, I’m out.

    Or if she starts to try and control you or is severely untrusting that’s also a sign of too much crazy.

  8. Depends on how the crazy manifests itself.

    There is a difference between having to hide all sharp objects in the house and her building a blanket fort in the living room and refusing to let me in until I give her the password.

  9. I understand that this may just be a general inquiry, but should an individual feel the need to ask a question like this that may be a good indication…. That or being obsessed with celebrities lives for me.

  10. So looking back on my life I’ve started to realize a lot of the crazy I’ve encountered was probably a lot less crazy than I realized.

    I’ve started to think the crazy is when they are trying to bend/warp time and space to allow themselves to cover up the timeline.

    For example. going out to dinner, on the drive over they bring up ‘something they have been meaning to talk about’ and it’s the most trivial of issues. In the case I’m thinking of, it was that while waiting for her to come back from the bathroom I took a dinner mint from the hostess station. I didn’t get her a mint.

    So I apologize that yes, I probably could have thought to grab her a mint. It struck me as a pretty minor oversight on my part, but soon it turns into a shouting match about how *’she can’t do this anymore’*. The night ends with her breaking up with me and I don’t hear from her for two months after which we started dating again.

    So now that I’m older I just think she wanted to cheat (or was already cheating) and needed to exit the relationship so the crazy *’you didn’t get me a mint from the restaurant’* was just something she could drum up to blame me for the break up. It’s an effective technique because when she comes back you apologize for this silly incident (in my case the mint thing) and she goes *’Oh I’m over it, don’t worry about it’*, which seemed very WTF at the time because just a few weeks earlier she was shouting over it.

  11. My red line is telling me what to do. I have a pretty extreme oppositional personality and the best way to get me to do something is to tell me I’m not allowed to.

  12. No crazy is acceptable. Anyone I date has to have her feet planted firmly on a the ground. Boring, I know, but crazy is never worth it.

  13. Some guys have more tolerance than others. Some will say no mental disorders, I’d just go for non manipulative & low impulsively women. Affection’s good too.

  14. I was married to someone who had PCOS (with all the associated hormone issues), BPD, PTSD, and a few other things that don’t really amount to much next to all that. My threshold for crazy is pretty high, but my line is when you either A) have zero self-awareness on what’s going on and therefore will not seek help, B) understand that something is wrong but refuse to do anything about it or get help, or C) think that getting a man in your life *is* the answer to your problem, and then end up chasing them off because your “fix” doesn’t want to deal with you anymore because you’re an continuously incremental detriment.

  15. Children magnify the crazy exponentially so if that’s a possibility, I would tolerate very little.

  16. Depends. I feel like i could tolerate a lot of crazy if i was also receiving some crazy loving (im talking snuggles and hot chocolate, get yall minds out the gutter)

  17. My ex started using my kinks to win arguments. Essentially punished me for sharing that with another person, and would use it for intimidation, black mail, etc. Took years and several normal relationships to trust to share again.

  18. An obvious one is face tattoos.

    But in general most men have a different tolerance but there are universal signs you should never ignore.

    The way she applies makeup, her hair colour (no blue hair!), being bad with money, loose with birth control, her friend group, if she has 2 kids by 3 different men (do the math), talking crazy shit (I’m not going to specify that, you know you’ve heard it)

  19. My ability to tolerate most forms of crazy have declined significantly. At this point, if they’re not a rational, well-adjusted person (or at least working to become that) then I don’t need to spend my time with them.

    I will no longer tolerate broken and unwilling to fix it.

  20. My threshold is quite low. I married a very even keeled woman and am the happier for it.

  21. It really depends. There is a trade off curve somewhere that basically says the hotter she is, the more crazy that men will be willing to put up with. So the amount of crazy is going to be directly proportional to how physically attracted the guy is to this crazy woman.

  22. No Line I’m already the maximum amount of insane that I acknowledge that I’m insane yet do nothing about it

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