At what point did you realize you actually don’t have to be nice to everyone?

  1. I mean I’m always nice to people to begin with. Whether I continue to be nice depends on how they respond. But I’ve never been a vindictive person, even people who have really wronged me, I’ll at least be civil and just try to not spend any time around them.

  2. Grade school. My Mom taught me that not everyone will like me and want to be my friend and that’s ok. I also don’t have to put up with anyone’s bullshit or abuse. That was a hard pill to swallow for the admin at my Catholic School. 😂

  3. I don’t HAVE to be nice to everyone. I CHOOSE to be nice to everyone until they give me a good reason not to be. Even then, I’m not rude or cruel. I just remove myself from the situation. It takes a LOT for me to be unkind to another person.

  4. Sometime around high school probably. I really noticed how people treated each other whereas I was always accommodating at the risk of my own sanity. I realized it didn’t matter how nice I was, people would take it for granted or take advantage of it.

  5. When I realized that some people would walk all over you if you’re nice to them, this is definitely not the case with everyone so my first instinct is to always be nice but I always look for signs to know if I should continue being nice

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