Where do I make friends?

How do I make friends?

How do I know if someone is lying about how they feel?

I hear autistic people tend to have few friends and die alone, am I going to be like the rest?

I’m starting to feel hopeless, I need to know what to do.

I will answer any questions needed to get help

  1. What do/would you do for fun, cumsock? Better yet, what fulfills you?

  2. The first step to doing anything in life is believing you can do it. Stop telling yourself what you don’t want to hear and start telling yourself what you want to hear that people like you and you can make friends.

  3. Make it more simple. If they are facing you, smiling and talking, they’re engaged. If they aren’t smiling, are looking at their phone, body or feet turned away, they are NOT engaged. If they’re not engaged you can end the conversation.

  4. Find connection through action. Find a volunteer activity, let people become accustomed to you, occasional mentions of hobbies and see where that goes.

  5. If everybody hates you, you’re either murdering children in your free time, running around with blood splattered all over your face wherever you go… or you’re assuming things.

  6. >How do I know if someone is lying about how they feel?

    You don’t, so you have to trust them, take people at face value.

  7. Hi mate, Hopefully I may be able to give you some advice as someone who literally closed everybody else in the world off at aged 19 and I had to rebuilt from scratch this is a few pointers I would give you as advice

    I get the sense from the way you described you are based in the Uk/Ireland is that correct and you also mentioned and university offers
    I understand that when you probably socialise at all even whether it be in public or just doing general things will it be picking up something from the grocery store it will probably feel extremely uncomfortable and your mind will convince you what you have made it believe it’s true however this is not true and the only way you will undo this is through action and slowly proving that you can socialise with that other people the only way this is achieved this through trial and error
    For example when you hopefully if you do decide to go to university I am during freshers week make it your only goal to sign up to one social club e.g. a maths club would be fantastic. When you first go to your first maths event or whatever social event you may be interested and you’ll be extremely uncomfortable but please make an effort to stay as long as possible as it’s more of an exposure thing , small marginal gains
    Jordan Peterson had a great expression of been better than the person you were yesterday and sometimes I think that really does go well in socialising it’s going to feel like you’re pushing against the mountain but I would refuse to believe that you can’t find people that have the same interests as you and I wish you all the best

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