What’s the worst reason for your significant other ending a relationship?

  1. Hypocrisy. Being unwilling to give the smallest amount of the validation and assurance that she expected from me throughout the entire relationship.

  2. She wanted us to sell our house and quit our jobs to “travel round China saving dogs”.

    I didn’t want to do that.

    Split up, split assets etc.

    She went to China for 2 weeks and hated it. Came back early and wanted to reconcile.

    That was a no from me.

    She was 34 years old at the time, by the way.

  3. Any reason is a good reason. No sense in holding on to people who want out. Find a better one.

  4. Said she wasn’t happy. Found out later she travlled with her new guy 3 months post break up…
    We were together for 3 years and I always trying to travel but she had excuses not to go. So she cheated, but wasn’t woman enough to outright say it, so fuck that bitch.

  5. There is no bad reason, if she decided to end it, the relationship has been over for a while

  6. Because I did everything she needed me to do. I became useless to her, and she was already having an affair with her friend.. so yeah.

  7. First relationship – long distance – ended because a douche boy in her class bullied her, she dumped me cause she apparently must have loved being bullied more than being treated good by her boyfriend (me).


    What made it worse, we had one week winter vacation each, hers came up first, mine came up the week after, so she came and stayed with me and my family the week she had vacation, and then I went and stayed the week with her and her family when I had vacation, and in the text message she dumped me through, she revealed that she had already been trying to figure out how to dump me even before she went on her vacation to my place.

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