If you were feeling anxious about something intangible (a big life change for example). What new material object would bring comfort? So not your childhood teddy bear, but something you could buy, build, craft, etc. to make yourself feel more calm and present?

  1. I’d opt for nothing. Material things have never helped me in this way, medicine and/or therapy work for my anxiety. Even non-professional levels like just talking it out with friends/partners or having some CBD.

  2. I try not to turn to shopping as a coping mechanism. It doesn’t solve my problem and isn’t exactly the best or most reliable coping mechanism.

  3. My goal in life is to NOT buy material things because I’m anxious. I would DO something that got me out of my own head. Perhaps going for nature walks or playing with animals.

  4. Sleep mask, a new video game, a great audiobook, find a new recipe for a healthy and delicious meal and learn how to prepare it.

  5. If anti anxiety meds are inaccessible to you (as they are for me) then I can understand why you may want to buy something. Personally anything with soft, light colors helps me. Even if I already have something like it. An Adult (or childrens, if you want something cute) coloring book, A new book, a journal, wind chimes, all are things I use that I highly recommend using too to cope.

    I hope this helps!!

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