So I heard a rumor that my crush has a girlfriend. But it was not 100% because the person saying it didn’t remember. Also my crush has a pretty common name. But it just feels weird to me. When my crush catches me looking at them he smiles. Sometimes he would stare at me when I go back to what I was doing. Sometimes I spot him staring at me when I’m talking with friends. Just today I went to one of my classes I have with him and he was sitting next to a friend I usually sit next to. I thought nothing of it and went to go sit with another one of my friends. Then I noticed he moved. He moved to where he was closer to me. I thought it was a coincidence but it just feels like something was wrong. I’m really confused. Can someone help me clear this up?

  1. Here’s a hack. Next time you lock eyes, don’t break contact, but instead smile. If he maintains eye contact, especially if he smiles back, you’re clear to approach. Tell him you like his shirt or something, let him take it from there.

    Edit: Don’t tell him you like his shirt unless you actually like it. Compliment something he has control of like his haircut or his clothing, it’s less personal than something he doesn’t have control of like his eyes or his smile. Less personal is good when breaking the ice.

    If he has a girlfriend, and he’s not a douche, he’ll tell you. No harm, no foul.

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