Title sounds stupid I know but let me explain. I have a friend who for privacy sake I’ll call Piper.

Me and Piper go way back to 2nd grade when we hated each other, always at each other’s throats for no reason other than we found the other bothersome before slowly becoming friends. Tired asking her out before but that failed, never cared much about it. For almost ten years now she’s been following me to every school and every class. Around 6th grade we developed a stupid game where we’d do something random then the other person would have to guess what we meant by it, ie taking something for no reason. (Not the best example but eh) Point is we developed a dumb little communication thing between us.

Now cut to now, we’re both 18 and Pipers at my place studying when she declares she’s bored and then asks if I want a blowjob.

I didn’t take Piper seriously in the slightest and basically went sure, boy was I surprised like a minute later when she has her hair tied back and is already fiddling with my jeans. Anyway it comes and goes and I’m absolutely fucking dumbfounded and I ask her if we’re a thing now. She responds with “Well how do you interpret it” and then I sat there in silence as she just left.

Now everything on my head is telling me I got lucky and somehow she changed her mind and a girlfriend just fell into my lap and I’m a dumbass, but there’s still a holdout that’s speaking other options. Like how she just got dumped and is looking for something to distract her or she was just that bored.

Idrk what to do and could use help. I’ve tried texting her but I’ve gotten nothing

  1. Ha…. I’m not sure…. You guys have a weird game…. I guess win by playing it right back and eating her pussy?

  2. If she just got dumped and she’s comfortable with you, I probably wouldn’t read any more into it than that. If she’s ‘bored’ and wants to solve that boredom by sucking your dick, everyone wins right?

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