As the title says, how many good friends did you make through them being the parents of your kids friends? Any stories/experiences worth sharing?

  1. As an adult who finds it hard to make new friends, this is one of my last holdouts haha, so hopefully you get some good anecdotes.

  2. We have a few stories but we’ve moved states and that has changed the friendships.

    Our oldest was four and being dropped at preschool when she heard another mom talking to her daughter in Hungarian. Since my wife was fluent they struck up a conversation. Alas, the mom recently died from ovarian cancer but we still have a weekly Zoom with her husband and a few months ago the daughter who has graduated from Columbia helped our youngest son study for a math test.

    I was also close with the dad of one of my son’s kindergarten friends. I’m an art photographer and he was a photography mentor to me. He let me use his studio in exchange for help with his senior portrait business.

    Our middle child’s best friend’s parents became close. When we moved and our son wanted to finish his senior year at the same high school, they took him in for the year.

  3. None. But my friends mostly have kids and now their kids are friends with my sisters kids so close enough 😉

  4. Every time I’m with another dad (birthday party or whatever) we make small talk briefly then go our own separate ways. Feels like there are guys I have lots in common with but I’m such shit at making conversation.

  5. So personally I am not a parent yet. But I will say that my moms best friend is one of my best friends moms. And one or two other couples that my parents still hang out with are parents of people I went to school with.

  6. Tons. We moved to a new small town when our kids were like 2 and 4. We met basically our entire social circle at the local daycare. Some of them have moved sense them, and Covid took it’s toll on the social circle. But we’re still pretty tight with a few of these families and at least friendly with some others. It helps that our kids are playing sports together and we all like to ski.

  7. None, I have some obscure hobbies and interests and most dads are into lawns, fishing and camping which I have zero interest in.

    Which I’m fine with as I’m too busy with my family, gaming and my Netflix series on my free time.

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