Is it healthy if your partner often (in the midst of a discussion, arguement, etc where you are at odds) they hang up on you abruptly, leave the situation altogether, and stop talking? Or they often find reasons to leave early or visit late? There is always some kind of excuse for this pattern of behavior. But it really doesnt feel healthy to always shut things down when its conveneint for them and them only. But they say its for their mental health. Even if they had hurt me, and instead of finding a solution or consoling me, they leave.

1 comment
  1. It really depends on what is happening in the argument before and leading up to this.

    What’s your style of arguing? Do things get heated? Do you tend to want push through even when you’re going in circles? Do voices get raised? Are people saying things they don’t really mean? Does anyone feel interrupted or talked over or not listened to? How often are arguments arising?

    My point is that is the disagreement is unfolding in dysfunctional/unhealthy ways, then it can be a wise and self-protecting choice to bow out, get some space, etc, as a means of diffusing the situation.

    On the other hand, if the disagreement is unfolding in a respectful, compassionate, and rational way where both people are truly listening to understand the other’s perspective… then no, abruptly leaving without communicating why or acknowledging anything is not healthy or productive.

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