Ladies, what gut feeling have you ignored?

  1. I was walking alone at night when I was 18. I felt scared suddenly and thought I should run, but I talked myself out of it. That was the night I was assaulted by a group of guys.

    Ever since I’ve always tried to trust my intuition and not second guess myself in those situations.

  2. Non of his female friends like you, but they don’t know you or any of the people you hung around with.My gut was telling me they had been more than just friends but I ignored it. At least he admitted it 15yrs later…..

  3. “NO.”

    Met on dating app, FaceTimed for the first time and as soon as we hung up my head said NO. He was nothing less than charming and sweet, could hold a conversation etc. Nothing was “wrong” with him, something just felt “off.” I knew it. I 1000000% knew it and still dated him for a few months and lead to one of the most heartbreaking break ups of my life.

  4. I was living with someone back in my early 20s. One night this woman came to the door and asked my bf if he wanted to go for a drink. He told her no and she left but I felt some kind of way. He assured me they had only just met because she worked next door and found out she lived in our building. He said it was just friendly. I ended up making friends with this woman and was reassured that she wasn’t at all attracted to him. Fast-forward to my bf and I had some relationship issues and I find out they had slept together while I was at work and she hung out with me that same evening. I’ve never ignored my gut feeling about another woman since.

  5. TW

    “fuck he’s gonna hit me one day”

    “he’s strangled me once… he might strangle me again…”

    thankfully i got my act together and trusted my “he’s going to fucking murder me one day” gut feeling and finally got out before he had the chance again

  6. “His whole family is messed up, I should bail before he gets too attached”

  7. Oh gawd… Pregnancy…an ex (dating at the time) was stealing from me…a boss of mine was building me up so he could get in my pants

  8. That there was something wrong when I started to get recurrent pains at 28+4 weeks pregnant. Doctor said my baby was probably just sitting on a nerve which was causing the pain, I had an emergency c-section at 29 weeks. My son is fine, he’s a happy healthy 3 year old, but I still wonder what wouldve/could’ve happened if I’d listened to my gut when they said everything was normal

  9. This man is not good enough for you.

    This job is going to very toxic.

    That friend of his isn’t just a friend.

    This is not a good purchase and you will regret spending this money here.

  10. Whenever a guy says something or does something really off that makes me feel some type of way. Sometimes, I’ll brush it off and think, “Ah, he means no harm or anything from saying that.” I’ve learned to abort the moment something doesn’t settle right with me from his words

  11. “He’s never going to marry you. He doesn’t have a plan for the future.”

  12. Most recent? A “friend” I hadn’t seen in months prior to the “event” contacted me. Said it had been awhile and wamted to know what I was up to. I didn’t have much going on and since I believe honesty is the best policy I told him as much. So he wanted to come hang out. I didn’t listen to my gut… he didn’t take no for an answer.

    Never. Again.

  13. My ex husband physically abused me, later on I met with his dad for something and his dad mention the altercation, I said what it had happened and he responded “oh, but you just tripped over a shoe.”
    I knew on that moment I was in big trouble… still stayed married for few more years 🙁

  14. That my husband was in love with his ex and didn’t have it together at all.

  15. Until my hard-headed, & stubborn self finally learned to trust my gut instincts relatively recently (in my early 40s), no matter the situation, people involved, etc., I ignored almost all of them. From potential romantic interests to buying retail items. The one exception to this was I never ignored my guy feeling about anything having to do with my kids.

    Now, I listen to my inner self. She’s learned a lot more than she realized over the years and through the experiences.

    ALWAYS trust your gut instincts, ladies or men.You dont have to understand why you have a feeling that you have. But it will most likely be shown to you one day.

    Be your own advocate for your well-being, mental and emotional stability, future, growth, and more. One way to do that is to trust your instincts. Trust yourself to know you feel that way because you’re subconsciously trying to tell you something you cannot recognize in that moment. Know that you matter, you should be respected, you shouldn’t have to settle or endure the wrath of detrimental people. You’re worth it.

    You. Are. Worth. It.

  16. That my husband didn’t actually love me. 7 years later and we’re divorcing because he just doesn’t want to be married anymore. Translates to, he wants to just play video games all day every day for the rest of his life. I wish I’d left years ago and hadn’t wasted my 20s on him.

  17. That I don’t have to be with him just because he knocked me up.

    That if I’m venting about my marriage to the pet dog on our daily walks, then there might be something wrong.

  18. My gut kept telling me to leave this man alone I would get absolutely nervous before meeting him feeling like I was going to either vomit out of both ends. Then ended up with a positive pregnancy test and felt like my life was over and my world was falling apart at the thought of being connected to him that way. It was a false positive and I definitely trusted my gut since then

  19. Befriending someone that came on a little *too* strongly. Rationalized it as “he’s new to campus and lonely”.

    Turned into a stalker situation.

  20. He’s exactly the asshole he said he was. I talked myself out of believing him.

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