So, a friend recently 3D printed some parts for a board game organizer for me, and it went really well, but when I collected them he briefly asked why I kept asking for prints for “a game I don’t even play.”

The friend is in one of my gaming groups but they play long campaigns. I also have a group on Thursday night who I asked, but they weren’t interested last time. So I’ve kind of done all I can do, I can’t badger them or somehow oblige them. Even if I somehow harangued them into trying the game they would be playing it begrudgingly and that’s never any fun. So how’s it my fault if I don’t play it?

Of course the ultimate case of this is parents saying “when are you going to get married”. I just want to say, hey, how can I choose? No-one has to want to marry me. I’m not really doing anything wrong other than being a bit nerdy and let’s not get into the philosophy of whether or not personality is a choice. Even the people who give advice about this pull this one, saying “there are never any guarantees” then turning around and saying “if you’re doing X and it isn’t working then there’s something wrong with you” without seeing there’s a contradiction between those two (if doing X doesn’t give a guarantee that implies sometimes it just doesn’t work)

For some people who have jobs that depend on this I don’t even know how they function. How can anyone truthfully promise to sell 10 cars this month or to get a book published?

1 comment
  1. Just say I can’t find a group to play with yet. You’re not on a timer. It’s hard to find people irl to play games with.

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