Young money is the richest under 30-year-olds from tech, sports and entertainment and old wealth is adults over 50s, seniors over 70s and established families in business.

  1. Young money? Downtown Detroit, Plymouth, Northville.

    Old wealth? Mackinac Island, Traverse City, Charlevoix

  2. In Maine all the money is on the coast. Isleboro has a lot of New Money, like actors and such.

  3. Both old and new money tends to be concentrated in the costal suburbs around Portland: cape Elizabeth, Falmouth, Freeport, etc. but if you want to find elite levels of old money you have to find people who spend their summers in Maine.

  4. Young money? Down town, certain condos in the New North End or Colchester

    Old Money? Hill section, South End

  5. Kentucky- Old Money lives in the Cherokee Gardens neighborhood of Louisville, and the east louisville
    Small areas in Frankfort and Lex as well

    New Money moves out of Kentucky at first chance

  6. Old money:

    * Geist: particularly waterfront property, its a bit more “affordable” if you aren’t right on the water
    * Eagle Creek area
    * Lockerbie Square in downtown Indy.
    * There’s pockets of mansions in otherwise middle class neighborhoods in some Pike and Washington Township neighborhoods.
    * Meridian Kessler is another historic neighborhood in Indianapolis (HT to u/shotgun1jesus as for some reason I completely overlooked it) with Meridian Street designed to be like a narrow European street and its lined with mansions, they usually do open house tours once a year.


    New money:

    * Carmel,
    * Fishers,
    * and increasingly much of the near-north neighborhoods just outside of downtown Indy. Its getting hard to live in some of these near-north neighborhoods like Herron Morton, Fall Creek Place, Kennedy King without being clearly middle upper or upper class. And as little as 10 years ago, these neighborhoods were much more affordable.

  7. Young money Austin (tech), Houston (oil, medicine), and Dallas (oil, finance).

    Old money Houston (oil) and Dallas (oil, finance).

  8. Old money on the upper east side, new money in places like Hudson Yards and other places

  9. The sayings young money and old money aren’t really about the age of the rich person, they’re about how generational their wealth is and how established their family name is in those upper crust echelons.

  10. In Kansas City, you’ll find the old money in Mission Hills. The Kauffmans (the original owners of the Royals), the Halls (of Hallmark fame), and the Blochs (H&R Block) all live/d in Mission Hills.

    The new money is probably spread around a little more between the suburbs and the city.

  11. Young money: Boston itself, also some the close metro west suburbs

    Old money: North Shore, Cape

  12. My state (Texas) is so big this is almost impossible to answer. Even within my own city (Houston) the answer would be it depends.

  13. I feel like California is mainly a “new money” state.

    Where do they all live? Well a report came out that the Bay Area (as whole and it beat out individual cities) has the most billionaires in the US and is #3 for most millionaires.

  14. Alabama

    Old Wealth: South Birmingham suburbs (Homewood, Mountain Brooks, Vestavia Hills) and on the gulf

    New Money: Huntsville

  15. Old Money is in Potomac and some small gated communities on the bay near Annapolis. New money is in Bethesda and Frederick.

  16. Young money moves to the Pine Barrens in South Jersey. My town is right at the edge, and there are half a dozen neighborhood developments of giant McMansions, known to get sold to pro athletes here and there. I mean houses that are bigger than I would ever want – like 8000 sqft, with intricate landscaping and big in-ground pools. They often get built next to or behind the 1940’s rancher homes that used to be the only ones in the area. Some towns in the pinies are better than others, but mine has a long history of kowtowing to the rich while blocking any and all development of low income housing. Good schools, tho..

  17. Phoenix proper:

    Young money is in Scottsdale.

    Old money is in Paradise Valley, the central corridor, and Arcadia.

  18. Virginia. Old money: Richmond, horse country between Fredericksburg and Charlottesville, and northern neck along the bay. New money: Fairfax. In my city (Roanoke). Old money: South Roanoke. New money: Hunting Hills & Fairway Forest.

  19. In Chicagoland:

    Old Money is on the North Shore (where Mean Girls is set) – Kenilworth, Winnetka, Glenview, Highland Park, Lake Forest, etc. There are other wealthy suburbs but these are the most notorious for being “old money.”

    New Money builds McMansions in South Barrington, Inverness, and Naperville.

    In the City:

    Old Money is in the Gold Coast and Lincoln Park. New Money is in luxury condos in the West Loop, River North, or Streeterville. If you can afford a single family home in the city, there’s some new money in Lincoln Park, Bucktown, and Roscoe Village.

  20. Vermont:

    Young money: Burlington. Its the only part of the state that has a fairly young population.

    Old Money: Stowe, Woodstock and also Burlington. The Old Money of the first two is more vacation homes than primary residence, though.

  21. In Chicago, I’d say old money is Lincoln Park, Wilmette, Glencoe, and the northern suburbs. New money is West Loop, River North, and Lakeview.

  22. New- closest commuter towns to NYC

    Old- slightly further out in bigger houses on bigger lots more set back

  23. In the Dallas-Fort Worth area:

    Old money: Highland Park, University Park, Preston Hollow

    New money: Southlake, Frisco

  24. Old Money:
    Lake Minnetonka cities
    Lowry Hill
    Summit Hill

    New Money:
    Eden Prairie
    North Loop
    Uptown (maybe?)

    I’m sure I’m forgetting a lot but that’s a pretty good general overview. When you think of Old Money in Minnesota the #1 spot is Edina.

  25. There’s a LOT of wealth inbetween Dayton and Cincinnati both young and old. It’s all along I-75.

    I’m not sure for other parts of Ohio, but near me, all the wealth is between those 2 cities. There’s tons of million dollar homes and upper class neighborhoods.

  26. In Atlanta old money is concentrated almost entirely in Buckhead. New money is everywhere including Buckhead.

    Old money families in Atlanta are insular like any other old wealth community, but they are relatively welcoming to transplants and particularly money in any form. A large part of what separated atlanta from other southern towns after the civil war is that its business elites and city government were willing to embrace carpet baggers.

  27. Young money is all in Northwest Arkansas; Bentonville, Rogers, around Beaver Lake. The old money is either in Hot Springs or Bentonville (the Waltons).

  28. Side note…

    It’s okay to be older and wealthy, living in a young area. You may not like it, but nobody will care.

    Being young and wealthy in and older area will not go well.

    Old wealthy people seem to have nothing more important than to complain adopt neighbors.

  29. Usually closer to downtown is where young money settles here in Cincinnati, specifically Oakley, Over-The-Rhine, and some parts of the east end, if they don’t get out of the state entirely. Old money tends to collect around our bypass, 275. Specific neighborhoods i can think of are Indian Hill, West Chester, and Madeira.

  30. Salt Lake City: young money mostly downtown. Wealth in the upper Avenues, East benches, and what’s charmingly known as “The Country Club Area” in East Sugarhouse. But there’s significant overlap.

  31. I don’t know much about the young money but I know for sure the old wealth lives on gigantic ranches in the middle of nowhere that are basically self-sustainable.

  32. In Mississippi, new money lives in town in newly constructed houses near bars and restaurants. Old money lives on a county road with a mile long drive way and a mansion custom built on multiple acres of land.

  33. Young Money – Boise or Coeur d’Alene
    Old Money – Also Boise and Coeur d’Alene, but also Sun Valley

  34. Austin here.

    Young money lives downtown, in the Domain (shudder), along SoCo, or east of 35.

    Old money lives in Westlake and Bee Cave.

  35. In Connecticut? That corner closest to New York City. I couldn’t break it down any finer than that.

  36. In Alabama

    Old money: Mountain Brook

    New money: Homewood/ Vestavia

    Young money: Huntsville

    Edit: formatting

  37. East Oklahoma Young Money: South Tulsa below I-44, and more recently expanding into Jenks and Bixby, with a satellite colony in Owasso

    East Oklahoma Old Money: Midtown Tulsa between I-44 and downtown (in my personal experience, many of them still think anything below 41st St is out in the boonies), with weekend houses on Grand Lake

    Middle Tennessee New Money: most of core Nashville, but especially Germantown and 12 South

    Middle Tennessee Old Money: due south of Nashville, especially Belle Meade and Brentwood (Not to be confused with South Nashville, which is to the *east* of Nashville for some reason, and is not very nice. And don’t even get me started on East Nashville, which is to the *north* of Nashville. At least North Nashville is mostly north-ish? I love this city, but I am too OCD for our skewed pseudogrid sometimes)

  38. Fairfield County, old wealth and young money both

    They ain’t moving to the Quiet Corner

  39. Well for NYC, old money is probably still the Upper East Side. New Money is probably Tribeca, Soho, Dumbo Brooklyn, Chelsea.

  40. Young money is every where tbh. The young money I know are in the Asian area, cause they’re Asian, but they have friends who are young money all over Los Angeles. They’re all in influencer scene, business, and one is a comic artist (he’s rich enough to own exotic cars).

    old wealth? Beverly hill or any around that area. Beach area too.

  41. Old money: literally everywhere, you’ll have to break it down by industry.

    New/ Young money: any part of the metro triangle lol.

    There’s a shit ton of money in Texas

  42. Young money just means they didn’t come from extreme wealth. Jeff bezos, Musk, Buffet, young money.

    Donald Trump, old money.

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