We went out as a group of 8. 4 couples. It was an expensive dinner. The weird thing is it was a dinner for 3 couples but the 4th couple heard about it and asked if they could tag along so we changed the Rez to add two more.

Dinner came out to around $80 per person. I paid the entire bill and we all agreed to pay me via Venmo or Zelle.

After dinner I shared the entire bill and told them what it was per person. Each couple paid me right at the table except the last couple. Didn’t think much of it. It’s now 2 days later and I’ve sent one Venmo payment request to each individual and they’ve yet to pay or say anything.

I don’t quite know how to go about it at this point. Should I just text them and ask “hey just wanted to ask if you can pay me back to the dinner?”

We are all in our early 30s if it makes a diff. We are all friends. I’m newer to the group as it’s my wife’s close knit group.

  1. Tell your wife to contact them to give them one more chance. Next do a group text, letting everyone at the dinner know you are still waiting for repayment from that couple. Ask when you should expect it.

    These people invited themselves to an expensive group dinner. This is not acceptable.

  2. Send a mass txt to all who attended.
    Remind them of who has & hasn’t paid and don’t forget to mention, if anyone that needs help paying a $80 debt. LMK I will work out a payment plan for you.

  3. 80 per person is not a small amount to me. Next time take them to McDonalds.

  4. Yeah, and one of them likely told the other one it was taken care of.

    Group text is a great idea. Hey thanks to the 4 of you that paid. Still waiting on so and so to pay. My venmo is…

  5. I would do a group text next, and if they ignore the request then I would send a private question: Hey is there a reason I have not received those $160 yet? I don’t mean to be a pain, but I really need the money in our family budget. Many thanks for your understanding.

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