My (22F) boyfriend (26M) asked his brother to hide my belongings and keys when his ex girlfriend went to his apartment to grab her mail. He’s always relying on her for simple things. For example he had her put in a maintenance request for the apartment she doesn’t live in anymore. Am I being dramatic for thinking things may not be over for them or at least for him?? I didn’t appreciate him hiding my things so she doesn’t find out about me. Seems like he still cares…

TL;DR: boyfriend hid my belongings when his ex girlfriend came over to grab her mail.

  1. Give him an ultimatum. 2 weeks to get all her stuff and take it to hers, and have her change her mailing address, or you walk.

    No reason she should still be sending mail there.

  2. I am inclined to think it is shady. However there could be some reasonable explanations for it. It’s entirely possible he is over her but she would react explosively if he were to be with someone else. I don’t know if she has a history of violence or extreme jealously. Maybe she steals. Assuming she is normal then yeah I’d say that he’s hiding you cause he is not over her and wants her to think there’s a chance

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