Long story short, I got together with my ex in 2020 and things didn’t work out because life and work schedule got the best of him and he decided to leave me. I still had feelings for him so I stayed in his life and the feelings were mutual. He decided to start dating to see what else is out there and ended up in a relationship. During this relationship he still kept in contact with me and said how much he missed and wanted to give us another chance. Fast forward him and ex are not together, I’m still being supportive and helping him but he is trying to win her back by changing his “ways”. I always accepted for who is he and always been there for him. I made decision to stop being his friend because he kept lying and leading me on. My hearts wants to stay and see if I end with him but my mind is telling me I did the right thing to walk away.

Should I move on or wait for him?

  1. Please have some self-respect and go no contact on this guy. He leaves you, shows you through his actions that he is interested in anyone but you, breadcrumbs you into thinking that he is going to leave the woman he’s with to be with you, and then when he’s not in that relationship anymore is still not choosing you and trying to win back his ex.

    OP, this guy is making it as clear as day that he does not want you. Ignore his words and look at his actions. What he is doing is called bread crumbing; look it up. Right now he sees you as an backup option. You’ve shown him that no matter what he does, you will be right there waiting in the wings to take him back the second he asks. This man doesn’t respect you, and he didn’t respect his ex who was probably able to see who he is and went running.

    How long have you been waiting around for this guy to “take you back”? And how much longer are you willing to waste time waiting for this guy who is showing you in no uncertain terms that his priority is not you? Cut him off, go no contact, and move on with your life so you can find a man who will value you and treat you right.

  2. Move on

    He is keeping you on the side for reassurance. You are somehow filling in some sort of lack he feels in his other relationships.

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