I had a feeling my boyfriend was pulling away from me and to keep from getting my feelings hurt I let him know that if he wants to end things it’ll be okay and I’ll understand. He was distant and didn’t seem too much into me as he was before. He said no that wasn’t the case and he was just going through a few things. He ghosted me days later after that for two weeks and i texted him still the whole two weeks while my messages were getting left on seen. At the end of the second week he finally texted me to let me know its over between us and I should find another man to be with. Why not just tell me that instead of leaving me hanging for two weeks?

tl;dr: ghosted me for 2 weeks instead of breaking up with me even though i told him prior it’ll be okay if he wanted to end it.

  1. That’s so disrespectful, he should have been mature enough to just tell you it was over instead of leaving you hanging like that.

  2. > Why not just tell me that instead of leaving me hanging for two weeks?

    Because he’s immature and instead of facing conflict like a healthy adult, he ran away from it. But honestly, don’t spend too much time wondering why someone did something bad. If you can’t fathom why someone would do something that’s inconsiderate/rude/hurtful to someone else, take that as a sign that you can’t understand because you’re not like that. That’s a good thing

  3. Don’t fret on the why’s. I did this when I was real young to someone. I didn’t want to see them hurt. Dumb thing to do. They were still hurt I just didn’t have to see jt

  4. i had someone ghost me after 4 years. some people are honestly just a bit nasty.

  5. If he doesn’t have the decency to communicate about it with you then trust me he isn’t worth wasting another precious moment of your life thinking about him. Move on, you’ll find someone who respects you and you deserve it sis.

  6. I’m sorry he ghosted you. Ghosting is a very immature way to handle a relationship

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