For some back story, me and my girlfriend a couple months ago were arguing over the same issue that is now resolved. While arguing I confided in a friend who is a girl, we stopped really talking I wanna say for a year and half but we ranted to each other when we needed too, ( this friend girl is engaged so there was nothing sketchy at all), except I lied about it for some reason, not for any malicious intent just that I guess I was afraid how my girlfriend would react, I came clean because I hate lying and it just eats me up, so we talked about it and worked it out and that issues is over.

While we were talking about, my girlfriend asked if me and this girl has flirted before ( like as an before I was in my current relationship) I said yeah like 1-2 years ago or so, she asked if had send nudes before and I said no.

About a week after that event I remembered me and this girl actually did send nudes, but I had just forget which seems like a lie, it’s just me and this girl didn’t talk for so long and I’m not a creep that remembers every oast thing about a girl. I have mental disabilities and apart of it is memory problems, like it’s just not something I remember, so for the sake advice please take my word.

Anyways I was gonna fess up to my girlfriend because it felt like it was right, but before I did I talked to my mum and she said not too, it doesn’t impact my current relationship and there’s no need to bring up the past and I asked my friend for a second opinion and they said the same.

I like to think I’m an honest person and I’ve definitely matured so much in the past couple years and I have great relationship. This has just been on my mind even thought it’s been a couple months

( idk if it’s clear in the post but I didn’t cheat or anything like that)

TL;DR totally forgot to mention something when my girlfriend asked, i feel bad and it’s eating me up, but everyone tells me not too.

1 comment
  1. If she finds out and you weren’t the one to tell, that would be worse than telling her yourself.

    Just say “hey remeber when we talked about xyz? I remember that we had infact sent xyz to each other, I’m sorry I didn’t remember it at the time.”

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