Hello I have posted on SD groups before before and I got great feedback and tips that made me purchase premium seeking and go with girls

I talked with a girl and when I felt safe (as people here told me ) I showed her who I am and what I’m doing I was complete honest and vulnerable

We had an agreement that I send her pocket money , hotel reservation and the flight tickets to meet in Germany and after I send that she said I don’t want something in personal I want ONLY something online !!

How can I now leave her without any problems to me or my career I maybe made a mistake to trust her but I want to know from people’s experience here how to deal with that

Thanks in advance

  1. So you agree on meeting, you pay for the meeting costs and then she says she doesn’t want to meet up? You two are either terrible at communication or she never wanted to do anything in return for your money if that was the arrangement you had.

  2. She means she just wants your money but doesn’t want to meet you in person. I don’t think it will hurt your career if you paid some chick for attention/sex. A lot of guys in that space do stuff like that. In modern society, sex work is work so you’re all good bro.

  3. I don’t know what kind of advice you are seeking. Don’t be too trusting in people?

    I’m also a tech multi-millionaire. I never reveal who I am to my dates.
    Of course I’ll tell her more once things get serious and we are seriously dating for significant amount of time, but not earlier.

    I drive slightly better than average car and wear slightly better than average clothes, have only few luxury items. I don’t have to work. But otherwise when you meet me on a street you’d never be able to tell me apart from your average mid class educated professional.

    Don’t reveal who you are too quickly – safety is paramount.

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