I was thinking about this whenever people compared dating with looking for a job.

I’ve been looking for a job five times since I graduated for different reasons and it’s actually not that bad:

– I can get back to some companies that already contacted me once and usually they’re still interested
– I get relatively clear requirements what qualifications they’re looking for
– both sides make a roughly equal effort to arrange dates and get to know each other
– if they’re interested, they clearly tell you

So job searching is easily my favorite. If dating where anything like thar, it would be paradise.
And looking for a decent place to live is often just as hard. Very few good options and a lot if competition, even for the mediocre ones.

What is it like for you guys?

  1. The answer to all three depends on A. Desperation level B. Resume and/or credit report which is kind of like a resume, and C. How much money you have.

  2. Apartment of course. They are everywhere and the business model is renting them out.

  3. An apartment. I’ve always been able to find something, less true with a partner or job. I’ve always worked but when I’ve looked for a better job while working a shitty one, I can’t quite find good replacements.

  4. I have loving partner for years now but we both dealing with visas and bureaucratic issues. I keep looking for a better one but currently I have a shitty/stressful job and apartment until end of august. I’m really uncertain about everything, I feel like everything is hard these days with current economic situation. To answer your question, it all depends on your circumstances.

  5. In the case of all three, it’s a matter of how much effort you put in versus how well you manage your expectations.

  6. Probably an apartment. I just have to pass a basic credit check and show that I have the income in most cases. Easy peasy.

    A job is next easiest but more complicated because I have to actually prove myself qualified AND beat out other applicants. But I already have recruiters in my inbox through linkedin. I reckon I could find a new job inside a month depending on how picky I am.

    Dating is orders of magnitude harder than the others because it has all the complications of finding a job, but I don’t have any women in my “inbox.” Just getting the “interview” is a ton of work and I don’t seem to have the same desirable traits according to women that I do for employers.

  7. Apartment, then partner, then job. I swear 90% of job postings aren’t actually looking, they’re just recruiters or HR filling some sort of posting quota

  8. An apartment is easiest

    Then job which is also easy

    Then gf (assuming it’s a gf I want and not just a gf to have one)

  9. All are easy, depending on your criteria. There are options out there, but you don’t have to like them.

  10. Finding an apartment is easy if you have a job, so I’ll go with apartment is easier than job is easier than girlfriend. I work in tech and have useful experience, so a job isn’t the end of the world either, but I’ve met like 2 women around my age this year

  11. Jobs aren’t easy but I’ve managed to snag a few here and there over the years. Nada for the other two.

  12. I’ve known guys who are jobless and sleep on a friend’s couch get a different girl every weekend, and guys with top paying jobs and own a house free and clear but can’t get a partner

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