first me and a girl were very compatible we even used to talk at midnights throught phone as i finish my night shift we were going so good i thought it would be nice if i said i liked her she even said we should go out together then she said she likes one guy and wants to be with him then me who already fell so hard for her said whoa then we should.not go outside,together next week then i asked what about the guy who like you she said its not a big deal,i said i fell for you and if i continue it wont be good for me so she then asked why would you think of me that way in a short a time? you dont know me well then next day she picked up my phone entered her finger print and face unlock and said not to talk to her firend but by accident the news went to her and she said she would kill me in a funny way so i thought she likes me but then she said she said she would show me the pic of the guy whome she likes i even asked whats the name of the guy before she never gave the name before but now she is ready to show.his pic? (what do you people think does she like me or am in a hook) after a week went together and she said dont wait for me ,and i saw that guy they are still not officially togetger yet,it did break my heart but why is she still video calling and texting me back?

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