Am I to be left with but a life of sitting on the toilet?

  1. Sitting down is under rated. Especially when you have those pees that never seem to end. I will say I always stand in public, but at home or friends house, I sit. No mess. I’m relaxed. It’s great.

  2. If you’re uncut, pull back your foreskin first.

    If you’re cut, aim better. Or if you spray like a garden hose nozzle on its widest setting, see a urologist.

  3. I sit every time at home. I started when I was 36 as soon as I moved in with my SO. No idea why I didn’t start earlier.

  4. If you can’t hold your pee and have to stay on the toilet your whole life, you should either see an urologist or build an entertainment system in your bathroom.

  5. Nothing wrong with sitting down. Aiming it can be too stressful, especially when you’re half asleep.

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